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Last active March 25, 2020 14:48
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Linux Reference General

  1. Check kernel version

uname -a (-a = all)

  1. Check current IP
ip addr
ip addr show eno2 # specifically for eno2
  1. Amount of free disk space
df -ah # a - all, h - human readable
  1. Service management


sudo systemctl enable service
sudo systemctl start service
sudo systemctl enable --now service (enables and starts)
sudo systemctl status service
sudo systemctl stop service
sudo systemctl disable service


service udev status
service udev start
  1. Check size of directory
du ./folder
du -sh ./folder # s - summarize, h - human readable
  1. Check open ports
netstat -tulpn # tcp/udp 
  1. Check to check resource usage

specific process

ps aux | grep process_name

general overview

  1. Mounting devices
mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/usb
mount # list mounts

Note: boot mounts are set in fstab.

  1. Man pages
man <command>
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