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muizidn / FontLoader.swift
Last active September 21, 2024 03:34
Using custom font in iOS without register to Info.plist
public class FontLoader {
private enum Error: Swift.Error {
case error(String)
/// Register fonts
/// - Parameter fonts: Font names
static func registerFonts(fonts: [String]) throws {
let bundle = Bundle(for: FontLoader.self)
KyNorthstar / Swift 4 - NSApp Relaunch.swift
Last active April 3, 2021 13:50
Allows you to re-launch a Cocoa app
import Cocoa
public extension NSApplication {
public func relaunch(afterDelay seconds: TimeInterval = 0.5) -> Never {
let task = Process()
task.launchPath = "/bin/sh"
task.arguments = ["-c", "sleep \(seconds); open \"\(Bundle.main.bundlePath)\""]
button.onTouchUpInside(context: self) { context in
// doStuff
ole / CharacterArray.swift
Last active June 11, 2023 10:13
Two options for converting character ranges into arrays
// We can't use `Character` or `String` ranges directly because they aren't countable
// Create a countable range of ASCII values instead
let range = UInt8(ascii: "a")...UInt8(ascii: "z") // CountableClosedRange<UInt8>
// Convert ASCII codes into Character values { Character(UnicodeScalar($0)) } // Array<Character>
// → ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"]
Jamonek / chomp.swift
Created November 20, 2015 12:54
String extension to remove first character of a string in swift.
extension String {
var chomp : String {
mutating get {
return self
var test : String = "Chomp"
import Foundation
protocol Serializable {
static func deserializeInto(bytePtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, bytes: ArraySlice<UInt8>) -> ArraySlice<UInt8>
extension Serializable {
typealias WorkaroundSelf = Self
marteinn / progamatically-popover-example.m
Last active January 15, 2022 12:13
NSPopover Example: Create and show a NSPopover programmatically when a user clicks a button in a subview
-(void) buttonClick:(NSButton *)sender {
// Create view controller
EXPopoverViewController *viewController = [[EXPopoverViewController alloc] init];
// Create popover
NSPopover *entryPopover = [[NSPopover alloc] init];
[entryPopover setContentSize:NSMakeSize(200.0, 200.0)];
[entryPopover setBehavior:NSPopoverBehaviorTransient];
[entryPopover setAnimates:YES];
[entryPopover setContentViewController:viewController];
kellyegan / ViewController.swift
Last active April 2, 2023 00:57
Send emails with attachments in iOS using Swift
// ViewController.swift
// SendEmailWithAttachment
// Created by Kelly Egan on 3/17/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Kelly Egan. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import MessageUI
JaviLorbada / FRP iOS Learning
Last active February 21, 2025 07:20
The best FRP iOS resources.


natecook1000 / OptionalBinding.swift
Created February 11, 2015 04:15
Some extremely contrived examples using Swift 1.2 if-let bindings
// OptionalBinding.swift
// as seen in
// (c) 2015 Nate Cook, licensed under the MIT license
let a: Int? = 10
let b: Int? = 5
let c: Int? = 3
let d: Int? = -2
let e: Int? = 0