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Kiryha kiryha

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kiryha /
Last active April 9, 2019 16:25
Vertigo effect for Maya
import pymel.core as pm
import math
listLens = [8, 12, 24, 35, 50, 80, 135 ]
cam = pm.PyNode(pm.modelPanel(pm.getPanel(wf = True), q = True, cam = True)) )[0] # Getr current viewport as camera
#cam = pm.PyNode('camera1') )[0] # Getr current viewport as camera
camFL = cam.focalLength.get()
camCI = cam.centerOfInterest.get()
camHFA = round(25.4*cam.cameraAperture.horizontalFilmAperture.get()) # Camera Aperture (mm)
camA = round(cam.getHorizontalFieldOfView()) # Camera Angle of view
kiryha / vex_create_point.txt
Last active February 7, 2018 17:34
VEX create point
vector position = {0,0,0};