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Last active June 5, 2018 07:14
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  • Save kirykr/379642873181e0bacd0da31da4d3df1d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kirykr/379642873181e0bacd0da31da4d3df1d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
sublime + youcompleteme
"filepath_completion_use_working_dir": 0,
"auto_trigger": 1,
"min_num_of_chars_for_completion": 2,
"min_num_identifier_candidate_chars": 0,
"semantic_triggers": {},
"filetype_specific_completion_to_disable": {
"gitcommit": 1
"seed_identifiers_with_syntax": 0,
"collect_identifiers_from_comments_and_strings": 0,
"collect_identifiers_from_tags_files": 0,
"max_num_identifier_candidates": 10,
"extra_conf_globlist": [],
"global_ycm_extra_conf": "",
"confirm_extra_conf": 1,
"complete_in_comments": 0,
"complete_in_strings": 1,
"max_diagnostics_to_display": 30,
"filetype_whitelist": {
"*": 1
"filetype_blacklist": {
"tagbar": 1,
"qf": 1,
"notes": 1,
"markdown": 1,
"netrw": 1,
"unite": 1,
"text": 1,
"vimwiki": 1,
"pandoc": 1,
"infolog": 1,
"mail": 1
"auto_start_csharp_server": 1,
"auto_stop_csharp_server": 1,
"use_ultisnips_completer": 1,
"csharp_server_port": 0,
"hmac_secret": "key generated by sublime above",
"server_keep_logfiles": 0,
"gocode_binary_path": "",
"godef_binary_path": "",
"rust_src_path": "",
"racerd_binary_path": "",
"python_binary_path": ""
// use /Users/kiry/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/ycmd if exist?
// install YouCompleteMe for sublime text
// goto Command Palette > Ycmd: Create HMAC keys in sublime
// goto #choose option 2 for starting ycmd server
// got clone and move the dir to ~/.ycmd
// cd to ~/.ycmd/ycmd and run ./ --all you might see golang error please see
// copy default_setting.json below to ~/.ycmd/ycmd/ and replace
// "hmac_secret": "to key that generated by sublime above",
"use_auto_start_localserver": 1,
"ycmd_path": "/Users/kiry/.ycmd/ycmd",
"HMAC": "key generated by sublime above",
"languages": ["cpp", "python", "ruby", "js", "php", "java", "cs"],
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