This card shows an hours input card while charger is off and a countdown when charger is running for the hours selected.
There's another version that adds a simple scheduling feature in top of this here.
This card shows an hours input card while charger is off and a countdown when charger is running for the hours selected.
There's another version that adds a simple scheduling feature in top of this here.
" The (neo)vim function that takes care of navigation within vim. | |
" Same concept as vim-tmux-navigator. If we navigate in the wanted | |
" direction and the winnr() hasn't changed, then we are at the edge | |
" and should forward the navigation to the window manager. | |
function! NvimYabaiNavigate(yabai_direction, vim_direction) | |
let win_nr_before = winnr() | |
execute("wincmd " . a:vim_direction) | |
if win_nr_before ==# winnr() | |
call system("yabai -m window --focus " . a:yabai_direction) |
on run | |
tell application "System Events" | |
set currProcs to (name of processes) | |
set MacVimRunning to (currProcs contains "MacVim") | |
if not MacVimRunning then | |
tell application "MacVim" to activate | |
end if | |
tell process "MacVim" | |
click menu item "New Window" of menu "File" of menu bar 1 | |
set visible to true |