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Created June 10, 2012 08:03
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# script to change the sleep mode of an OS X machine
usage () {
echo "supported sleep modes:"
echo " sleep"
echo " safesleep"
echo " hibernate"
echo " secure"
echo " insecure"
echo " current"
echo "sleep (or old-style sleep) does not back up memory to disk. this is"
echo "useful if you are running out of hard drive space, but will eat"
echo "more battery and if the system runs out of power, the current state"
echo "is lost."
echo "safesleep backs up memory to persistent storage, taking as much disk"
echo "space as the system has memory. this uses more disk space and more"
echo "battery, as memory is powered during sleep. If the battery is"
echo "exhausted, the system will hibernate."
echo "hibernate writes memory to persistent storage, and powers down the"
echo "machine. the sleep image takes up as much space as the system has"
echo "memory. While sleeps/wakes are slower, battery life is much improved"
echo "as memory is not powered during sleep."
echo "secure mode destroys the file vault key on standby, requiring the"
echo "password to be entered on wake. insecure mode retains the file "
echo "vault key on wake."
echo "current displays the current settings."
exit 1
status () {
if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
echo "state change to $1 successful"
echo "state change to $1 unsuccessful"
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
elif [ "$1" = "sleep" ]; then
sudo pmset hibernatemode 0
status $1
elif [ "$1" = "safesleep" ]; then
sudo pmset hibernatemode 3
status $1
elif [ "$1" = "hibernate" ]; then
sudo pmset hibernatemode 25
status $1
elif [ "$1" = "current" ]; then
hibernatemode="$(pmset -g | grep hibernatemode | awk '{ print $2 ; }')"
if [ "${hibernatemode}" = "0" ]; then
echo "sleep"
elif [ "${hibernatemode}" = "3" ]; then
echo "safesleep"
elif [ "${hibernatemode}" = "25" ]; then
echo "hibernate"
echo "unknown"
elif [ "$1" = "secure" ]; then
sudo pmset destroyfvkeyonstandby 1
status $1
elif [ "$1" = "insecure" ]; then
sudo pmset destroyfvkeyonstandby 0
status $1
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