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from sqlalchemy import create_engine | |
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session | |
from myapp.models import BaseModel | |
import pytest | |
@pytest.fixture(scope="session") | |
def engine(): | |
return create_engine("postgresql://localhost/test_database") | |
@pytest.fixture(scope="session") | |
def tables(engine): | |
BaseModel.metadata.create_all(engine) | |
yield | |
BaseModel.metadata.drop_all(engine) | |
@pytest.fixture | |
def dbsession(engine, tables): | |
"""Returns an sqlalchemy session, and after the test tears down everything properly.""" | |
connection = engine.connect() | |
# begin the nested transaction | |
transaction = connection.begin() | |
# use the connection with the already started transaction | |
session = Session(bind=connection) | |
yield session | |
session.close() | |
# roll back the broader transaction | |
transaction.rollback() | |
# put back the connection to the connection pool | |
connection.close() |
Hey, I've been using this and it's pretty darned slick.
However, I have hit a bit of a snag when testing for duplicates and scope. With the dbsession scope using the default of "function" any thing I add gets rolled back. So I change the scope to session, my duplicate test works. The test uses "pytest.raises(sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError)" ). However the next test fails as the session needs rolling back.
Any ideas of a good way to get around this. Something simple like setting the scope to module and just putting one duplicate test at the end of the module. Or could I try a try/except block in the fixture, or a "sub" fixture. Feel like I'm turning an elegant piece of code in to a dropped lasagne.
not to worry I just added a new fixture with a "function" scope that uses the sqlalchemy session.begin_nested() and rolls back after the yield. This works with the " with.pytest.raises(blah blah):"
@kissgyorgy thanks for this. We'd like to use a modified version in https://github.com/RudolfCardinal/camcops which is GPLV3.
Do your gists have a license?
No, feel free to use it.
I suggest a more robust approach at tables function
def tables(engine):
I suggest a more robust approach at tables function
You don't need to do that. Pytest is doing it for you: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/fixture.html#yield-fixtures-recommended
you are right, thank's for point out
Am I the only one who finds this taking a while to drop the tables at the end? When I remove that step it seems to run quite quickly but for some reason dropping the tables at the end of the session is taking a while?
Thanks for sharing this
I've trying to use your conftest on my project but I don't get to add new rows on the db.
I defined a simple test:
def test_simple(dbsession):
genres = Genres.query.all()
assert len(genres) == 25
new_genre = Genres(name="my_custom_genre")
genres = Genres.query.all()
assert len(genres) == 26
I don't get any exception but the last assert is False and the new genre is not on the db, after the commit, list of genres is still 25.
Any clue on what's going on?
The conftest is exactly than yours except for the database_uri
From the Genres.query
attribute, I'm guessing you are using Flask-SQLAlchemy plugin. If that 's the case, you are probably not configured the plugin correctly I'm guessing? And the fixture is creating a different table that the one you are trying to connect to in the test maybe?
This snippet has nothing to do with Flask-SQLAlchemy, as I mentioned it earlier.
Hi @kissgyorgy, could you please post an example of a test where we need to add some dummy data to the testing table before the test case and remove the data from the table once the test case is done?
This is my case: I need to add some dummy data to the table before a specific test case is run, then execute a GET query with that dummy data and then, I want to clean (or go back to the initial state: empty table) the table after the test case is done so the table will be available for a new test case. I was wondering if for this task I will have to use the db.commit()
because when I just run the db.add(MYDATA)
without the db.commit()
and then, I run a GET request to the table, it is empty. Or is this the standard approach? because what I understand is that, once we call commit()
, the transaction is completed and we are not able to rollback to a previous state., Could you help me with this?
For me I had to change the last fixture to this:
def db_session(engine: Engine, tables):
connection = engine.connect()
session = Session(bind=connection)
yield session
to get it working as expected.
Using SQLAlchemy 2.0 and Python 3.10.
@aqc-carlodri if your tests commit anything to the database, you are not rolling it back this way and there can be junk left for the next run.
@kissgyorgy thanks for the feedback, will test further then, for some reason with your code only the first test works, the others fail to see anything in the DB even if I add stuff.
Yes, that's the whole point of these fixtures. Tests should be independent from each other, DB should be empty at the start of every test. The nested transaction what makes it possible to commit anything within one test case but as it will be rolled back at the end, there is no effect on other tests.
In my case, this is my fixture
def dbsession(tables) -> Generator[TestingSessionLocal, Any, None]:
"""fixture that returns an sqlalchemy session, and after the test tears down everything properly."""
connection = engines["TEST"].connect()
# begin the nested transaction
transaction = connection.begin()
# use the connection with the already started transaction
session = TestingSessionLocal()
yield session
# roll back the broader transaction
# put back the connection to the connection pool
and in the endpoint to avoid committing a transaction I use flush according to sqlachemy docs
def seed_database(dbsession, records: List[object]) -> None:
"""function to add dummy data to the database
dbsession (fixture): database connection
records (list[object]): list of items to be added in the database
and in the endpoint
def test_mytable(dbsession, test_client, new_data):
# GIVEN 3 records
record1 = new_data(probability=0.1)
record2 = new_data(probability=0.2)
record3 = new_data(probability=0.3)
seed_database(dbsession, records=[record1, record2, record3])
# WHEN the endpoint is requested (GET)
response = test_client.get(url=f"/myendpoint")
# THEN check that the response is valid
assert response.status_code == 200
assert len(response.json()) == expected
With this approach, every new test execution will have an empty database table for adding new registers
@dtcMLOps if you you only flush in test code, there is no point using a nested transaction, as without commit, closing the session will clean up everything. The point of my snippet is that you can real code with transaction handling, committing and everything and tests will still be isolated and leave no junk in the database with the nested transaction rollback.
@dtcMLOps if you you only flush in test code, there is no point using a nested transaction, as without commit, closing the session will clean up everything. The point of my snippet is that you can real code with transaction handling, committing and everything and tests will still be isolated and leave no junk in the database with the nested transaction rollback.
Hi @kissgyorgy, your approach to running a test is not correct if I want to run tests concurrently. Commiting to the database will make the next test case that is pointing to the same table fail since there are "registers" committed from the previous test case. My approach allows me to run the test cases concurrently.
@kissgyorgy are you sure your dbsession.commit()
in your code really commiting to the database? I set the breakpoint right before and after dbsession.add(...)
, and dbsession.commit()
, while monitoring the database status (I am using a database in container). I do see your line 14 and 16 create and drop tables in the database, but I never see dbsession.commit()
really do anything in the database.
Overall it seems that all tests passed, however I have doubts whether physically "committing to the database" is true.
Could you post one of your test cases?
@pxu-mdsol the whole point of this is that things are committed to a sub-transaction only, so nothing will be saved in the database after the test case. It depends on isolation level settings if committed things can be seen from other connections/transactions. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isolation_(database_systems)
@kissgyorgy Thanks for the quick response. I know that "nothing will be saved in the database after the test case", how about during the test case? I assume you meant that it does "change the database", it's just everything rollback at the end of each test case.
As for as whether I can monitor that "change" in the database with a separate session in the database (such as a mysql query in a mysql client) concurrently with the test session, your point is that depends on the isolation level settings?
Ok, I realized that I missed the role of "transaction" in line 24. It seems that if this "transaction" is created, then dbsession.commit()
in the test case will not commit changes to the database, unless we literally call transaction.commit()
So the direct answer to my question:
"nothing will be saved in the database after the test case, how about during the test case?"
is NO. Even during the test case, changes never commit to database. They all stay in transaction, and finally canceled by your line 32.
"nothing will be saved in the database after the test case, how about during the test case?"
is NO. Even during the test case, changes never commit to database. They all stay in transaction, and finally canceled by your line 32.
That is False. I'm not familiar with database implementation specifics, but I'm pretty sure you can find files on disk related to transactions for certain databases and engines. A concrete example is SQLite in WAL mode. Also as I mentioned, you can see the data committed during test based on isolation levels, so the data is definitely saved in the database somewhere.
I think the more precise way to put it is that "during test case, data will be saved in the database in a transaction and after the test case, everything will be deleted by rolling back the transaction."
@kissgyorgy I agree you -- transaction is saved in the database. Thanks for the discussion!
its been a long time since this gist was posted, but I am having really inconsistent behaviors where one time it will succeed my tests, then another run it will complain that there is no such table. Like the create_all and drop_all weren't called or that the table already exists, Did anyone experience this behavior? I only have 3 tests in a class.
The database and table creation fixtures are session scoped, so they are only created at the start of the first test which uses it and destroyed at the end of the test suite.
These SQLAlchemy APIs didn't change.
The only problem I can guess is that the test run was abrupted and the database tables were not deleted. You can try starting the tables fixture with drop_all()
, so the tables are deleted BEFORE every test run.
Thanks for the answer, I tried that too but that would not help.
Altho I found the problematic part but I don't know how to solve it yet. The issue is that I have a lot of Core CPUs and I had pytest --numprocesses/-n
on auto
. My assumption is that 2 (or more) of the tests from the same class - which are using these db fixtures - were running on different processes which would create new test session. Setting it to 1 (or not adding it) solved the problem.
With pytest-xdist, you should make a different test database for every process.
This snippet has nothing to do with Flask at all.
Flask-SQLAlchemy works it's own way, I think it monkeypatches the ORM, I don't know, I did not looked into how that works.