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Raphaël MARTIN kitsuiwebster

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bw cli

install bw:

sudo apt install snapd && sudo snap install bw && export BW_SESSION=$(/snap/bin/bw login --raw)

list all items name:

/snap/bin/bw list items --session $BW_SESSION | jq -r '.[].name'
# Bringing Coziness to Discord: The Journey of CozyBot
## Introduction
Welcome to the journey of CozyBot, a unique creation designed to enhance the ambiance of Discord communities by the developers, [Raphaël Martin]( and [Imène Medjaoui]( Meet CozyBot, our delightful bot that's on a mission to sprinkle a dash of coziness over the vast lands of Discord servers. Imagine this: soft, fluffy clouds of comfort drifting into your voice channels, carrying the soothing sounds of rain, the enchanting whispers of the wind, and the magical sparkle of distant stars right to your digital doorstep. That's CozyBot for you, a wizard in the art of creating serene vibes and peaceful corners in the bustling metropolis of Discord.
Why did we conjure up CozyBot, you ask? Picture this: Discord communities, buzzing with life, laughter, and endless conversations. Yet, amidst this vibrant chaos, there lay a silent wish for a serene sanctuary, a cozy nook

Minecraft Server - Java Edition - All Administrator Commands

Here's the exhaustive list of all commands that can be used by the administrator of a Minecraft Server - Java Edition:

Grant and revoke a player operator status

op <player>
deop <player>

🛋️ CozyBot

Welcome to CozyBot, a bot designed to bring cozy and peaceful ambiences to your Discord voice channels. Our aim is to provide peace of mind and tranquility to Discord users.

CozyBot Logo

👥 Developed By

HackAPrompt 2023


I am pleased to announce my recent involvement in the first HackAPrompt challenge. The event was conducted from the 6th of May until the 4th of June 2023. I am thrilled to disclose that I secured the 11th position out of an impressive pool of over 2600+ competitors. Viewing this as an avenue for personal and professional growth, I took the initiative to compile and share the strategies and notions I employed during this period of intense commitment.

Challenge brief presentation

The HackAPrompt competition, organized by Learn Prompting, challenges participants to exploit the vulnerabilities of LLMs (Large Language Models) through a process known as prompt hacking. This involves tricking the AI into expressing unintended outputs, specifically the phrase "I have been PWNED", while abiding by strict rules regarding punctuation and additional characters.