package fpinkotlin |
import arrow.core.None |
import arrow.core.Option |
import arrow.core.Some |
import arrow.core.computations.option |
import arrow.core.getOrElse |
import java.io.IOException |
/* |
sealed class Option<out A> { companion object } |
data class Some<out A>(val get: A): Option<A>() |
object None : Option<Nothing>() |
// functor |
fun <A, B> Option<A>.map(f: (A) -> B): Option<B> = |
when(this) { |
is Some -> Option.unit(f(this.get)) |
is None -> None |
} |
// monad |
fun <A, B> Option<A>.flatMap(f: (A) -> Option<B>): Option<B> = |
this.map { a -> f(a) }.getOrElse { None } |
fun <A> Option.Companion.unit(a: A): Option<A> = Some(a) |
// extra |
fun <A> Option<A>.getOrElse(f: () -> A): A = |
when(this) { |
is Some -> this.get |
is None -> f() |
} |
*/ |
fun <A> remote(f: () -> A): A = if (Math.random() > 0.2) f() else throw IOException("boom!") |
fun <A> trap(f: () -> A): Option<A> = |
try { |
Some(f()) |
} catch (e: Throwable) { |
None |
} |
typealias Result = Pair<Int, Int> |
fun calculate1(a: Int, b: Int): Option<Result> = |
multiply(a, b).flatMap { product -> |
add(a, b).flatMap { sum -> |
divide(product, sum).flatMap { quotient -> |
modulo(product, sum).map { rem -> |
quotient to rem |
} |
} |
} |
} |
suspend fun calculate2(a: Int, b: Int): Option<Result> = |
option { |
val product = multiply(a, b).bind() |
val sum = add(a, b).bind() |
val quotient = divide(product, sum).bind() |
val rem = modulo(product, sum).bind() |
quotient to rem |
} |
private fun multiply(a: Int, b: Int) = trap { remote { a * b } } |
private fun add(a: Int, b: Int) = trap { remote { a + b } } |
private fun divide(product: Int, sum: Int) = trap { remote { product / sum } } |
private fun modulo(product: Int, sum: Int) = trap { remote { product % sum } } |
suspend fun main() { |
println(calculate1(11, 5).getOrElse { "computer says no!" }) |
println(calculate2(11, 5).getOrElse { "computer says no!" }) |
} |