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Last active February 16, 2020 23:29
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B: Yeah, the doctor said it would never grow back, but I mean, I've got a good few inches there now.
L: Well it still tastes the same to me, so …
B: Yeah, I've not been able to notice the difference either.
B: Do you like coffee?
L: I love coffee.
B: Oh, you like coffee, do you?
L: Big fan.
B: Tsk — you, you're a bit of a fan of coffee?
L: Coffee fan!
B: Are you a fan of coffee?
L: Number one!
B: Oooooohhhhh, you like the cheeky coffee from time to time?
L: I'm drinking it right now!
B: What's your favourite morning beverage? Heh; is it coffee perchance?
L: Whadda you fucking reckon, hey? slurp Aaaahhhh.
B: Do you like coffee?
L: Huh?
B: Do you like coffee?
L: Huhhh!?
B: Do you like coffee?
L: …
B: Do you like a little coffee?
L: …
B: A little cuppa in the morning?
L: Mmmmmmmm. I love it man. What can I say? It's like Milo for old people, yeah?
B: Do you like to drink a cup of joe with your toast?
L: Ifuckinloveit
B: Someone told me you didn't like coffee.
L: I — love — coffee. snorts ARGGHHHHHHHHHH
B: A little bird flew in here; told me you're not a fan of coffee.
L: Yeah?
B: A tiny little bird flew in this kitchen, told me you don't like your coffee.
L: Think about who you're talking to, you fucking dick.
B: Ohhh, you want a coffee right now?
L: Can I have one?
B: Do you want a coffee?
L: Yeah.
B: You want a little coffee?
L: I don't want it.
B: How about I whip you up a little coffee with me machine?
L: Would you?
B: You want —
L: Ben.
B: — me to flip that machine —
L: Ben.
B: — on and give you a little —
B: — coffee?
L: Coffee.
B: Ohhhh, you like coffee do ya? What's your preference, what kind of coffee you like? What's your poison, mate? You a cappuccino man?
L: Wrong.
B: You like a bit of chocolate sprinkle in your little drinkle?
L: Nup.
B: Aaaaaaah. It's the long black for you.
L: Close.
B: You're not a bloody flat white wanker are ya?
L: Nup!
B: Flat white wanker are ya then?
L: You fuck.
B: You an espresso lover, eh? A bit of a fan of the quickie, huh?
L: Is that a joke?
B: Aaaah, you're an espresso lover are ya?
L: Are you being… facetious?
B: Oh mate, you are, you like your little macchiatos, huh? A little tiny coffee for the big boy?
L: Coffee.
B: Latte man, are ya mate? Hmmm? Fancy boy with your fancy laaaatte! Faaaaaancy boy, are we?
L: NO!
B: A latte, huh? Fancy boy likes his fancy latte.
L: Dick off you fuckwit.
B: That's a bit fancy. You must be a fancy boy.
L: I'm not a fancy boy.
B: Are you a fancy boy, mate?
L: I'm not.
B: Check out bloody Iggy Azalea over here, with the fancy coffee.
L: You're fancy!
B: Ohhh, that's weird! I just got a fax from 90's Pat Rafter. He wants his bloody fancy coffee back. Ohhh, I see what this is. I see what this fuckin' is. You're a little fancy boy, with your little fancy fuckin' latte. You're a little fancy boy. You make me fuckin' sick mate. One bloody fancy latte for me fancy mate, coming right up.
B: Let's uh, let's begin, shall we?
B: Beautiful.
B: The beans are ready!
B: Yes … yes …
B: So beautiful.
B: Ohhhhh…
B: Won't be a sec, mate.
B: Perfect.
B: Yeah, nice!
B: Suck my dick, MasterChef.
B: Just like my nonna used to make.
B: It's almost ready!
B: And there we go, mate! Bloody working man's frappulappucinniatto for me, and a fancy latte for the fancy boy.
L: This isn't a latte! It's a flat white!
B&L: They're the same thing!

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