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Created October 25, 2011 05:03
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(defun e2wm:format-byte-unit (size)
(cond ((null size) "NA")
((> size (* 1048576 4))
(format "%s Mb" (e2wm:num (round (/ size 1048576)))))
((> size (* 1024 4))
(format "%s Kb" (e2wm:num (round (/ size 1024)))))
(format "%s bytes" (e2wm:num size)))))
(defun e2wm:def-plugin-files-update-buffer (dir)
(let* ((files
for f in (directory-files-and-attributes dir)
for fn = (car f)
unless (or (member fn '(".." "."))
(and e2wm:def-plugin-files-hide-hidden-files
(eq (aref fn 0) ?.)))
collect (list
;; 0:name, 1:dirp, 2:time, 3:size
;; 4:dirp-str, 5:size-str, 6:float-time
fn (cadr f)
(format-time-string "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" (nth 7 f))
(nth 8 f)
(if (cadr f) "d" "f")
(if (nth 8 f) (format "%014d" (nth 8 f)) (make-string 14 ?\ ))
(float-time (nth 7 f))))
e2wm:def-plugin-files-sort-key)) rows-file rows-time rows-size rows)
(loop for i in files
for fn = (substring (car i) 0)
for tm = (nth 2 i) for sz = (nth 3 i)
for type = (cadr i)
(push i rows)
((stringp type) (e2wm:rt fn 'e2wm:face-files-symlink))
(type (e2wm:rt fn 'e2wm:face-files-directory))
(t fn))
(expand-file-name fn dir)) rows-file)
(push (nth 2 i) rows-time)
(push (e2wm:format-byte-unit (nth 3 i)) rows-size))
((eq e2wm:def-plugin-files-sort-key 'name)
(e2wm:def-plugin-files-insert-by-name rows-file rows-time rows-size))
((eq e2wm:def-plugin-files-sort-key 'time)
(e2wm:def-plugin-files-insert-by-time rows-file rows-time rows-size rows))
((eq e2wm:def-plugin-files-sort-key 'size)
(e2wm:def-plugin-files-insert-by-size rows-file rows-time rows-size)))
(setq mode-line-format
'("-" mode-line-mule-info
" " mode-line-position "-%-"))
(let* ((win (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)))
(width (- (or (and win (window-width win)) 90) 7)) ; 9 <= num and ellipse "..."
(dirname (expand-file-name dir))
(namelen (string-width dirname))
(startcol (max 0 (- namelen width))))
(setq header-line-format
(format "[%2i] %s%s"
(length files) (if (< 0 startcol) "..." "")
(truncate-string-to-width dirname namelen startcol))))))
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