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Last active December 17, 2016 04:28
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Save kiwanami/5748610 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
;;; tern-dialog.el ---
;; Author: SAKURAI Masashi <m.sakurai at>
;; Version: 0.0.2
;; Package-Requires: ((tern "0.0.1") (widget-mvc "24"))
;;; Commentary:
;; M-x tern-prjfix-make
;;; Code:
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
(require 'json)
(require 'widget-mvc) ;
(defvar tern-home
(let ((script-file (or load-file-name
(and (boundp 'bytecomp-filename) bytecomp-filename)
(expand-file-name ".." (file-name-directory (file-truename script-file))))
"installed tern-home.")
(defmacro tern-prjfix-collect-gen (target)
`(loop with plugins-dir = (expand-file-name ,target tern-home)
for fn in (directory-files plugins-dir t "^[^\\.]")
collect (list (gensym ,target)
(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory fn))
(defun tern-prjfix-collect-libs ()
(tern-prjfix-collect-gen "defs"))
(defun tern-prjfix-collect-plugins ()
(tern-prjfix-collect-gen "plugin"))
(defun tern-prjfix-find-by-name (name item-list)
"ITEM-LIST -> (list (sym pname content) ... )"
(unless (stringp name)
(setq name (format "%s" name)))
(loop for item in item-list
for pname = (cadr item)
if (equal name pname) return item))
(defun tern-prjfix-collect-jsfiles (dir &optional base-dir)
(unless base-dir
(setq base-dir dir))
with ret = nil
for fn in (directory-files dir nil "^[^\\.]")
for path = (expand-file-name fn dir)
if (and (file-directory-p path) (not (string-match "node_modules" path)))
do (setq ret (append (tern-prjfix-collect-jsfiles path base-dir) ret))
do (when (equal "js" (file-name-extension fn))
(let ((name (file-relative-name path base-dir)))
(setq ret (cons (list name name) ret))))
finally return ret))
(defun tern-prjfix-make ()
"Find a tern project file and show the editing dialog for the project file."
(let* ((pdir (tern-project-dir))
(pfile (expand-file-name ".tern-project" pdir))
(when (file-exists-p pfile)
(setq project-data
(let ((json-array-type 'list))
(json-read-file pfile)))))
(tern-prjfix-dialog-show pdir project-data)))
(defvar tern-prjfix-dialog-before-win-num 0 "[internal] ")
(defun tern-prjfix-dialog-show (pdir project-data)
(let* ((libs (tern-prjfix-collect-libs))
(plugins (tern-prjfix-collect-plugins))
(jsfiles (tern-prjfix-collect-jsfiles pdir))
(src `(
,(propertize "JavaScript Project Setting" 'face 'info-title-1) BR
"Project Directory : " ,pdir BR BR
,(propertize "Project Environments" 'face 'info-title-2) BR
,@(loop for (sym name path) in libs
append (list `(input :name ,sym :type checkbox)
" " name 'BR))
BR ,(propertize "Tern Plugins" 'face 'info-title-2) BR
,@(loop for (sym name path) in plugins
append (list `(input :name ,sym :type checkbox)
" " name 'BR))
BR ,(propertize "Load Eagerly" 'face 'info-title-2) BR
,@(loop for (sym name path) in jsfiles
append (list `(input :name ,sym :type checkbox)
" " name 'BR))
" " (button :title "OK" :action on-submit :validation t)
" " (button :title "Cancel" :action on-cancel)))
(let ((data-plugins (cdr (assoc 'plugins project-data)))
(data-libs (cdr (assoc 'libs project-data)))
(data-jsfiles (cdr (assoc 'loadEagerly project-data))))
(loop for (sym pname content) in plugins
for (name . opts) = (assoc (intern pname) data-plugins)
collect (cons sym (and name t)))
(loop for (sym pname content) in libs
collect (cons sym (and (member pname data-libs) t)))
(loop for (path name) in jsfiles
collect (cons path (and (member path data-jsfiles) t))))))
(validations nil)
'((on-submit . tern-prjfix-submit-action)
(on-cancel . tern-prjfix-dialog-kill-buffer)))
(attributes (list
(cons 'project-dir pdir) (cons 'libs libs)
(cons 'jsfiles jsfiles) (cons 'plugins plugins))))
(setq tern-prjfix-dialog-before-win-num (length (window-list)))
:buffer (wmvc:get-new-buffer)
:tmpl src :model model :actions action-mapping
:validations validations :attributes attributes))))
(defun tern-prjfix-submit-action (model)
(let* ((ctx wmvc:context)
(pdir (wmvc:context-attr-get ctx 'project-dir))
(pfile (expand-file-name ".tern-project" pdir))
(plugins (wmvc:context-attr-get ctx 'plugins))
(libs (wmvc:context-attr-get ctx 'libs))
(jsfiles (wmvc:context-attr-get ctx 'jsfiles))
(coding-system-for-write 'utf-8)
(json-object-type 'hash-table)
after-save-hook before-save-hook
(json (json-encode
(cons 'plugins
(loop with ps = (make-hash-table)
for (sym pname content) in plugins
for (msym . val) = (assoc sym model)
if val do
(puthash pname (make-hash-table) ps)
finally return ps))
(cons 'libs
(loop for (sym pname content) in libs
for (msym . val) = (assoc sym model)
if val collect pname)))
(cons 'loadEagerly
(loop for (path name) in jsfiles
for (path . val) = (assoc path model)
if val collect path))))))
(buf (find-file-noselect pfile)))
(with-current-buffer buf
(set-visited-file-name nil)
(insert json)
(write-region (point-min) (point-max) pfile nil 'ok))
(kill-buffer buf))
(defun tern-prjfix-dialog-kill-buffer (&optional model)
(let ((cbuf (current-buffer))
(win-num (length (window-list))))
(when (and (not (one-window-p))
(> win-num tern-prjfix-dialog-before-win-num))
(kill-buffer cbuf)))
(defun tern-prjfix-restart-server ()
(loop for i in (process-list)
if (string= (process-name i) "Tern")
do (quit-process i)))
(provide 'tern-dialog)
;;; tern-dialog.el ends here
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