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Last active January 23, 2020 06:16
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Minimum implementation of denoising autoencoder.Error function is cross-entropy of reconstruction.Optimizing by SGD with mini-batch.Dataset is available at
#coding: utf8
1. Download this gist.
2. Get the MNIST data.
3. Run this code.
python 100 -e 1 -b 20 -v
import numpy
import argparse
import cPickle as pickle
import utils
class Autoencoder(object):
def __init__(self, n_visible = 784, n_hidden = 784, \
W1 = None, W2 = None, b1 =None, b2 = None,
noise = 0.0, untied = False):
self.rng = numpy.random.RandomState(1)
r = numpy.sqrt(6. / (n_hidden + n_visible + 1))
if W1 == None:
self.W1 = self.random_init(r, (n_hidden, n_visible))
if W2 == None:
if untied:
W2 = self.random_init(r, (n_visible, n_hidden))
W2 = self.W1.T
self.W2 = W2
if b1 == None:
self.b1 = numpy.zeros(n_hidden)
if b2 == None:
self.b2 = numpy.zeros(n_visible)
self.n_visible = n_visible
self.n_hidden = n_hidden
self.alpha = 0.1
self.noise = noise
self.untied = untied
def random_init(self, r, size):
return numpy.array(self.rng.uniform(low = -r, high = r, size=size))
def sigmoid(self, x):
return 1. / (1. + numpy.exp(-x))
def sigmoid_prime(self, x):
return x * (1. - x)
def corrupt(self, x, noise):
return self.rng.binomial(size = x.shape, n = 1, p = 1.0 - noise) * x
def encode(self, x):
return self.sigmoid(, x) + self.b1)
def decode(self, y):
return self.sigmoid(, y) + self.b2)
def get_cost(self, x, z):
eps = 1e-10
return - numpy.sum((x * numpy.log(z + eps) + (1.-x) * numpy.log(1.-z + eps)))
def get_cost_and_grad(self, x_batch, dnum):
cost = 0.
grad_W1 = numpy.zeros(self.W1.shape)
grad_W2 = numpy.zeros(self.W2.shape)
grad_b1 = numpy.zeros(self.b1.shape)
grad_b2 = numpy.zeros(self.b2.shape)
for x in x_batch:
tilde_x = self.corrupt(x, self.noise)
p = self.encode(tilde_x)
y = self.decode(p)
cost += self.get_cost(x,y)
delta1 = - (x - y)
if self.untied:
grad_W2 += numpy.outer(delta1, p)
grad_W1 += numpy.outer(delta1, p).T
grad_b2 += delta1
delta2 =, delta1) * self.sigmoid_prime(p)
grad_W1 += numpy.outer(delta2, tilde_x)
grad_b1 += delta2
cost /= len(x_batch)
grad_W1 /= len(x_batch)
grad_W2 /= len(x_batch)
grad_b1 /= len(x_batch)
grad_b2 /= len(x_batch)
return cost, grad_W1, grad_W2, grad_b1, grad_b2
def train(self, X, epochs = 15, batch_size = 20):
batch_num = len(X) / batch_size
for epoch in range(epochs):
total_cost = 0.0
for i in range(batch_num):
batch = X[i*batch_size : (i+1)*batch_size]
cost, gradW1, gradW2, gradb1, gradb2 = \
self.get_cost_and_grad(batch, len(X))
total_cost += cost
self.W1 -= self.alpha * gradW1
self.W2 -= self.alpha * gradW2
self.b1 -= self.alpha * gradb1
self.b2 -= self.alpha * gradb2
grad_sum = gradW1.sum() + gradW2.sum() + gradb1.sum() + gradb2.sum()
print epoch,
print (1. / batch_num) * total_cost
def dump_weights(self, save_path):
with open(save_path, 'w') as f:
d = {
"W1" : self.W1,
"W2" : self.W2,
"b1" : self.b1,
"b2" : self.b2,
pickle.dump(d, f)
def visualize_weights(self):
tile_size = (int(numpy.sqrt(self.W1[0].size)), int(numpy.sqrt(self.W1[0].size)))
panel_shape = (10, 10)
return utils.visualize_weights(self.W1, panel_shape, tile_size)
#panel_shape = (int(numpy.sqrt(self.W1.shape[0])), int(numpy.sqrt(self.W1.shape[0])))
#return utils.visualize_weights(self.W1, panel_shape, tile_size)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("n_hidden", type = int)
parser.add_argument("-e", "--epochs", type = int, default = 15)
parser.add_argument("-b", "--batch_size", type = int, default = 20)
parser.add_argument("-n", "--noise", type=float, choices=[i/10. for i in xrange(11)], default = 0.0)
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type = unicode)
parser.add_argument('-v', '--visualize', action = "store_true")
parser.add_argument('-u', '--untied', action = "store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
train_data, test_data, valid_data = utils.load_data()
ae = Autoencoder(n_hidden = args.n_hidden, noise = args.noise, untied = args.untied)
ae.train(train_data[0], epochs = args.epochs, batch_size = args.batch_size)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
save_name = args.output
if save_name == None:
save_name = '%sh%d_e%d_b%d_n%d'%(
'untied_' if args.untied else 'tied_',
img = ae.visualize_weights() + ".bmp")
if args.visualize:
ae.dump_weights(save_name + '.pkl')
import numpy
import cPickle as pickle
import gzip
import Image
def load_data():
with'mnist.pkl.gz', 'rb') as f:
tr,te,vl = pickle.load(f)
return tr, te, vl
def visualize_weights(weights, panel_shape, tile_size):
def scale(x):
eps = 1e-8
x = x.copy()
x -= x.min()
x *= 1.0 / (x.max() + eps)
return 255.0*x
margin_y = numpy.zeros(tile_size[1])
margin_x = numpy.zeros((tile_size[0] + 1) * panel_shape[0])
image = margin_x.copy()
for y in range(panel_shape[1]):
tmp = numpy.hstack( [ numpy.c_[ scale( x.reshape(tile_size) ), margin_y ]
for x in weights[y*panel_shape[0]:(y+1)*panel_shape[0]]])
tmp = numpy.vstack([tmp, margin_x])
image = numpy.vstack([image, tmp])
img = Image.fromarray(image)
img = img.convert('RGB')
return img
Ad hoc code for gradient checking.
from autoencoder import Autoencoder
import utils
import numpy
tr, te, vl = utils.load_data()
ae = Autoencoder(n_hidden = 50)
#ae = Autoencoder(n_hidden = 50, untied = True)
x = [tr[0][0]]
noise = 0.0
tilde_x = [ae.corrupt(x[0], noise)]
c, gW1, gW2, gb1, gb2 = ae.get_cost_and_grad(tilde_x, len(tr[0]))
print c
epsilon = 1e-4
print "W1"
for i in range(len(ae.W1)):
for j in range(len(ae.W1[i])):
ae.W1[i][j] += epsilon
y = ae.decode(ae.encode(tilde_x[0]))
e_p = ae.get_cost(x[0], y)
ae.W1[i][j] -= 2. * epsilon
y = ae.decode(ae.encode(tilde_x[0]))
e_m = ae.get_cost(x[0], y)
g = ( e_p - e_m ) / (2. * epsilon)
ae.W1[i][j] += epsilon
diff = gW1[i][j] - g
if numpy.absolute(diff) >= epsilon**2:
print i,j, gW1[i][j], g, diff
print "W2"
for i in range(len(ae.W2)):
for j in range(len(ae.W2[i])):
ae.W2[i][j] += epsilon
e_p = ae.get_cost(tilde_x[0], x[0])
ae.W2[i][j] -= 2 * epsilon
e_m = ae.get_cost(tilde_x[0], x[0])
g = ( e_p - e_m ) / (2 * epsilon)
ae.W2[i][j] += epsilon
diff = gW2[i][j] - g
if numpy.absolute(diff) >= epsilon**2:
print i,j, gW2[i][j], g, diff
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