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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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Save kjmph/991de6c8b2fea40297da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
require 'formula'
class Pig < Formula
homepage ''
url ''
sha256 'f4f6777165fcfc0d9df0a7ee4e897e0bdf73c8e8ec7fcc31db15c1917f5ca971'
patch :DATA
def install
system 'ant clean jar-all -Dhadoopversion=23'
system 'ant piggybank'
system 'cp contrib/piggybank/java/piggybank.jar .'
bin.install 'bin/pig'
prefix.install ["pig-h1.jar", "pig-h2.jar", "pig-withouthadoop-h2.jar", "piggybank.jar"]
def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
You may need to set JAVA_HOME:
export JAVA_HOME="$(/usr/libexec/java_home)"
# There's something weird with Pig's launch script, it doesn't find the correct
# path. This patch finds PIG_HOME from the pig binary path's symlink.
diff -u a/bin/pig b/bin/pig
--- a/bin/pig 2011-09-30 08:55:58.000000000 +1000
+++ b/bin/pig 2011-11-28 11:18:36.000000000 +1100
@@ -77,11 +77,8 @@
# resolve links - $0 may be a softlink
-# convert relative path to absolute path
-bin=$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$this")">/dev/null && pwd -P)
-script="$(basename -- "$this")"
+here=$(dirname $this)
+this="$here"/$(readlink $this)
# the root of the Pig installation
if [ -z "$PIG_HOME" ]; then
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