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Last active December 14, 2015 02:29
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recursive merge multiple sorted sequences
open FSharpx.Collections
let first = LazyList.ofSeq(seq { 0..3..30 } |> (fun x -> (x, "first") ))
let second = LazyList.ofSeq(seq { 0..2..30 } |> (fun x -> (x, "second")))
let third = LazyList.ofSeq(seq { 0..30 } |> (fun x -> (x, "third")))
module LazyList =
let takeWhileAsList pred (list:LazyList<'T>) =
let rec inner l (r:List<'T>) =
match l with
| (LazyList.Cons(h,t)) ->
if (pred h) then
inner t (h :: r)
(List.rev r, l)
| _ -> (List.rev r, l)
inner list List.empty
let takeTail count (list:LazyList<'T>) =
let rec inner l (r:List<'T>) c =
match l with
| (LazyList.Cons(h,t)) ->
if (c < count) then
inner t (h :: r) (c + 1)
(List.rev r, l)
| _ -> (List.rev r, l)
inner list List.empty 0
let contains x (list:List<'T>) =
let rec inner l =
match l with
| h :: t -> if (h = x) then true
else inner t
| _ -> false
inner list
let merge3 (a:LazyList<'a * string>) (b:LazyList<'a * string>) =
let rec inner a' b' =
LazyList.ofSeq( seq {
match LazyList.takeTail 5 a' with
| ([], _) -> yield! b'
| (f, tail_a) ->
let (flastkey, _) = f.[f.Length - 1]
let (s, tail_b) = LazyList.takeWhileAsList (fun (key, _) -> key <= flastkey) b'
//filter s not to contain keys in f
let fkeys = (fun (k, _) -> k) f
let s' = List.filter (fun (k, _) -> (contains k fkeys) = false) s
yield! List.append f s' |> List.sortBy (fun (key, _) -> key)
yield! inner tail_a tail_b
inner a b
merge3 first <| merge3 second third
|> Seq.toList
|> (printfn "%A")
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