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Created July 9, 2013 12:08
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Why can't I deconstruct the tuple that returns a function that returns and async and a function?
let test name =
fun (msg : obj) ->
async {
printfn name }, id
let f, f2 = Ipc.test "hello"
//error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
// 'a * 'b
//but here has type
// 'c -> Async<unit> * ('d -> 'd)
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ovatsus commented Jul 9, 2013

The , has higher precedence that ->. Do this instead:

let test name =
    (fun (msg : obj) ->
        async {
            printfn name }), id

or this:

let test name =
    fun (msg : obj) ->
        async {
            printfn name }

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Thank you - forgot my parans! :)

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