As currently described, this approach does not work. The reason for that is that creating a snapshot via the API does not actually populate any data, as described in e.g. An alternative approach which does work described in
- The
JSON processing command line tool, which is available for most distributions (,sudo apt install jq
) - NodeJS, and the
package (npm install puppeteer
), which is used to run headless Chrome
- The
file attached here, which carries out the PDF conversion
Also, create Grafana API key from web UI ( has some outdated instructions but the idea holds). Save it in an environment variable, along with your Grafana instance URL
export APIKEY=eyJrIjoiMFdmMnA3YlRZTFF5bktqUmhRRk9nUzBISEo0dkZMNW0iLCJuIjoicGRmIiwiaWQiOjF9
export GURL=http://localhost:3000
First we need to take a snapshot of the dashboard to be exported. We can do this via the API, per, but in order to request this we actually need the full dashboard JSON. This can be obtained via another API call, based on the dashboard ID - here saved as dashboard.json
export DASHID=x3g4Wx5ik
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $APIKEY" $GURL/api/dashboards/uid/$DASHID -o dashboard.json
Now create the snapshot via a call to the respective API endpoint. Note that here we directly submit the dashboard JSON of which we'd like a snapshot.
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $APIKEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @dashboard.json $GURL/api/snapshots -o snapshot.json
The result is saved in snapshot.json
. From this we can extract the URL of the generated snapshot.
export SNAPURL=`jq .url snapshot.json`
Now export to PDF with
node pdf.js $SNAPURL output.pdf