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Created February 5, 2014 12:00
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def quickSort_bigendian(input_arry)
index_i = 0
puts "Before sort"
puts input_arry.inspect
while (index_i < input_arry.size)
index_j = input_arry.size
index_j -= 1
while (index_j > index_i)
if ( input_arry[index_j] < input_arry[index_j-1] )
temp = input_arry[index_j-1]
input_arry[index_j-1] = input_arry[index_j]
input_arry[index_j] = temp
index_j -= 1
index_i += 1
puts "After sort"
puts input_arry.inspect
arry = [53,6,34,167,90,34,51,111,53,78]
puts arry.inspect
quickSort_bigendian(arry) #it is call by reference, object ID is the same
puts arry.inspect
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