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Last active April 7, 2023 14:08
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Setting Alfred Terminal to iTerm2 without wrangling around current iTerm2 window.
# Paste this script to "Alfred Preference > Advanced > Terminal",
# selecting "Application" to "Custom".
# In addition, create an iTerm2 profile with string "Alfred" in its Name,
# for example, "Working with Alfred".
# The script below will open the first iTerm2 session with such profile,
# or create a new window with that profile if not found. The command
# will be executed there.
on alfred_script(q)
tell application "iTerm"
set theAlfredSession to null
repeat with aWindow in windows
tell aWindow
if (profile name of current session) contains "Alfred" then
set theAlfredSession to (current session)
exit repeat
end if
end tell
end repeat
if theAlfredSession is null then
set newWindow to (create window with profile "Working with Alfred")
set theAlfredSession to current session of newWindow
end if
tell theAlfredSession to write text q
# or add a space before `q` to prevent it from going into history:
#tell theAlfredSession to write text (space & q)
end tell
end alfred_script
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