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Last active February 7, 2023 12:28
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Save kkew3/f8bb5f3362fe2402061bcb353fe78f86 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Use (a little more intelligent) bisection algorithm to resize images under $from_dir to appropriate small size, and move them to $to_dir. The whole process is performed interactively. This script is designed for macOS and requires imagemagick to run.
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Basename qw(fileparse);
use File::Copy qw(cp mv);
# Configuration #
# directory from which to import images
my $from_dir = glob("~/Downloads/");
# directory to which to import images
my $to_dir = glob("~/Documents/Diary/imgs/");
# directory to which to save original images before resizing
my $img_dir = glob("~/Pictures/");
# expected image KB (not KiB) size lower bound and upper bound
my ( $kb_lb, $kb_ub ) = ( 10, 50 );
# don't ask and use larger size if current size lower bound is this many
# lower than current sie upper bound; see `resize_dialog` below
my $min_diff_compr_pcnt = 5;
# tmp image name without extension
my $tmpfile_name = "out";
# End of Configuration #
# common patterns used below
my $pat_ext = qr{\.[^.]*$}; # filename extension
# colors
my $color_bold_green = "\033[1;32m";
my $color_reset = "\033[0m";
# global indicator whether current (tmp image) as been opened
my $tmpfile_opened = 0;
# global indicator of tmp files to be cleaned up
my @tmp_path_written = ();
# ensure on TTY
unless ( -t STDIN && -t STDOUT ) {
print STDERR "stdin and/or stdout is not TTY!\n";
# ensure on Darwin
unless ( $^O =~ m{darwin} ) {
print STDERR "require Darwin OS to run!\n";
# ensure existence of `magick` command
unless ( system( "which", "-s", "magick" ) == 0 ) {
print STDERR "require 'magick' command to run!\n";
# Usage.
sub usage {
print( "usage: call without argument.\n"
. "Return value:\n"
. " * 0) no error;\n"
. " * n) where n > 0, that many images are skipped due to error;\n"
. " * 130) keyboard interrupt;\n"
. " * -1) (or 255) fatal error and/or the script dies.\n" );
# Glob images from $from_dir.
sub find_imgs {
my @files = ();
for my $ext (qw(jpg JPG jpeg JPEG png PNG bmp BMP)) {
push( @files, glob( $from_dir . "*.$ext" ) );
return @files;
# List lower case basename without suffix from directory arg 0.
sub ls_names {
die unless @_ == 1;
my ($dir) = @_;
my @names = ();
for my $filename ( glob( $dir . "*" ) ) {
my $name = fileparse( $filename, $pat_ext );
push( @names, lc($name) );
return @names;
# Handle and echo answer arg 0. If arg 0 is empty, fill it with default
# answer arg 1. arg 1 should be either 'y' or 'n'.
# Return 1 if arg 0 is eventually 'y'; empty string otherwise.
sub handle_ans {
die unless @_ == 2;
my ( $ans, $default_ans ) = @_;
$ans =~ s{\s}{}g;
$ans = $default_ans unless $ans;
$ans = $ans eq "y";
print( "You answered ", $ans ? "y" : "n", ".\n" );
return $ans;
# Display rename dialog. The rename should be done later from src arg 0
# to some path with the returned value 0 as basename.
# The dialog loops until aborted or there's no name conflicts with any
# of names under $to_dir.
# No rename will be actually done here.
# Return undef if the user doesn't want to continue processing current
# file; otherwise, return dest basename and src extension name.
sub rename_dialog {
die unless @_ == 1;
my ($src_path) = @_;
my ( $src_name, undef, $src_ext ) = fileparse( $src_path, $pat_ext );
# if $src_name does not contain 'IMG', which is a signal that the image
# has not been properly named, and if it has no name conflict with any
# images under $to_dir, then by default skip renaming unless user requests
# to
if ( lc($src_name) !~ m{img}
&& !grep { $_ eq lc($src_name) } ( ls_names($to_dir) ) )
print( "The image seems have been properly named. "
. "Skip renaming? ([y]/n) " );
my $ans;
$ans = handle_ans( $ans = <STDIN>, "y" );
if ($ans) {
return ( $src_name . $src_ext, $src_ext );
my $dst_name;
my $ps1
= "Rename w/out ext (input nothing to not rename, or press "
. "Ctrl-d to not continue processing this image): ";
my $ps2
= "Name already exists.\n"
. "Use another name (input nothing to not rename, or press "
. "Ctrl-d to not continue processing this image): ";
for ( print($ps1); $dst_name = <STDIN>; print($ps2) ) {
$dst_name = $src_name unless $dst_name;
last unless grep { $_ eq lc($dst_name) } ( ls_names($to_dir) );
unless ( defined $dst_name ) {
# pressed Ctrl-d
print("\n"); # to break from Ctrl-d
print( "Stopped processing curreng image.\n"
. "Current image will be left intact.\n" );
return undef;
$dst_name = $dst_name . $src_ext;
return ( $dst_name, $src_ext );
# Indicate whether arg 0 (bytes) is higher, within range, or lower than
# the expected size in KB.
sub in_valid_size_range {
die unless @_ == 1;
my ($size) = @_;
my $lb = $kb_lb * 1000;
my $ub = $kb_ub * 1000;
if ( $size < $lb ) {
return -1;
if ( $size > $ub ) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Quote arg 1 if it contains space.
# Only for aesthetic purpose when printing filenames.
# Don't use this function when passing arguments to executable as shell
# quoting is not implemented thoroughly here.
sub shquote {
die unless @_ == 1;
my ($str) = @_;
return $str =~ m{\s} ? "\"$str\"" : $str;
sub system_die_on_err {
die unless @_ > 0;
my @args = @_;
system(@args) == 0 or die("above command returns nonzero $?");
# Run magick's resize command with input arg 0, percent arg 1, and output
# arg 2.
sub run_resize {
die unless @_ == 3;
my ( $src_path, $pcnt, $dst_path ) = @_;
print( $color_bold_green, "> magick ", shquote($src_path),
" -resize ", $pcnt, "% ",
shquote($dst_path), "\n", $color_reset,
system_die_on_err( "magick", $src_path, "-resize", "$pcnt%", $dst_path );
# Run macOS's open command with arg 0 if $tmpfile_opened is zero.
sub run_open {
die unless @_ == 1;
my ($file) = @_;
unless ($tmpfile_opened) {
$tmpfile_opened = 1;
print( $color_bold_green, "> open ", shquote($file), "\n",
$color_reset );
system_die_on_err( "open", $file );
# Display resize dialog that keeps resizing arg 0 to arg 1 until satisfied.
# If eventually not satisfied, return zero; else return nonzero.
sub resize_dialog {
die unless @_ == 2;
my ( $src_path, $dst_path ) = @_;
$tmpfile_opened = 0;
cp( $src_path, $dst_path ) or die("Failed to cp $src_path $dst_path");
my $lo = 1;
my $hi = 100;
my $mid;
my $satisfied_once = 0;
my $curr_size = -s $dst_path;
my $cmp;
my $ans;
while (( $satisfied_once && $lo + $min_diff_compr_pcnt < $hi )
|| ( !$satisfied_once && $lo < $hi ) )
$mid = int( ( $lo + $hi ) / 2 );
run_resize( $src_path, $mid, $dst_path );
$curr_size = -s $dst_path;
"Compressed size = ",
$curr_size, "B (", $curr_size / 1000,
"KB); ",
$cmp = in_valid_size_range($curr_size);
if ( $cmp > 0 ) {
$hi = $mid - 1;
print("trying to make smaller.\n");
elsif ( $cmp < 0 ) {
$lo = $mid + 1;
print("trying to make larger.\n");
else {
print("Click the opened window. Satisfy? (y/[n]) ");
$ans = handle_ans( $ans = <STDIN>, "n" );
if ($ans) {
$satisfied_once = 1;
$hi = $mid;
print("Trying to make smaller.\n");
else {
$lo = $mid + 1;
print("Trying to make larger.\n");
if ( !$satisfied_once ) {
print("Never satisfied within size range.\n");
print("Skipped current image.\n");
return 0;
run_resize( $src_path, $hi, $dst_path );
# After this call the size of $dst_path must lie in range, since $hi
# won't be changed after previous satisfaction.
print("Done for current image.\n");
return 1;
# Display copy-to-$img_dir dialog. This will copy src arg 0 to dest
# basename arg 1 under $img_dir if user agreed and if there will be no
# name conflicts. Return nonzero if no error occurs; 0 otherwise.
sub copy_to_imgdir_dialog {
die unless @_ == 2;
my ( $src_path, $dst_name ) = @_;
my $dst_path = $img_dir . $dst_name;
my $ans;
print("Copy \"$src_path\" to \"$dst_path\"? (y/[n]) ");
$ans = handle_ans( $ans = <STDIN>, "n" );
if ( !$ans ) { return 1; }
if ( grep { $_ eq lc($dst_name) } ( ls_names($img_dir) ) ) {
print("Name \"$dst_name\" already exists in \"$img_dir\".\n");
print("Current image will be left intact.");
return 0;
cp( $src_path, $dst_path ) or die("Failed to cp $src_path $dst_path");
return 1;
sub ensure_tmpfile_writable {
die unless @_ == 0;
my $ans;
if ( grep( m{^out$}, ( ls_names($to_dir) ) ) ) {
print( "Found names resembling tmpfile \"$tmpfile_name\" "
. "under \"$to_dir\":\n" );
print("They will be overwritten if you proceed.\nProceed? (y/[n]) ");
$ans = handle_ans( $ans = <STDIN>, "n" );
return $ans;
return 1;
sub assure_unlink_src {
die unless @_ == 1;
my ($src_path) = @_;
my $ans;
print("Continue removing \"$src_path\"? ([y]/n) ");
$ans = handle_ans( $ans = <STDIN>, "y" );
if ($ans) {
if ( !unlink($src_path) ) {
print("Failed to remove \"$src_path\".");
return 1;
return 0;
# Clean up tmp images used previously.
sub clean_up {
print( "These tmp images have been removed: ",
join( ", ", @tmp_path_written ), "\n" );
sub main {
for my $arg (@ARGV) {
if ( $arg eq "-h" || $arg eq "--help" ) {
return 0;
if ( !ensure_tmpfile_writable() ) {
return 1;
my $ans;
my $skip_count = 0;
my $success;
for my $src_path ( find_imgs() ) {
print("Found image: $src_path\nProceed? ([y]/n) ");
$ans = handle_ans( $ans = <STDIN>, "y" );
if ( !$ans ) {
print("Finding next image.\n");
my ( $dst_name, $src_ext ) = rename_dialog($src_path);
if ( !$dst_name ) {
$skip_count += 1;
print("Finding next image.\n");
my $tmp_path = $to_dir . $tmpfile_name . $src_ext;
if ( !grep { $_ eq $tmp_path } @tmp_path_written ) {
push( @tmp_path_written, $tmp_path );
$success = resize_dialog( $src_path, $tmp_path );
if ( !$success ) {
$skip_count += 1;
print("Finding next image.\n");
my $dst_path = $to_dir . $dst_name;
mv( $tmp_path, $dst_path ) or die("Failed to mv $tmp_path $dst_path");
print( "Renamed ", $tmp_path, " to ", $dst_path, ".\n" );
$success = copy_to_imgdir_dialog( $src_path, $dst_name );
if ( !$success ) {
$skip_count += 1;
print("Finding next image.\n");
$success = assure_unlink_src($src_path);
if ( !$success ) {
$skip_count += 1;
print("All images under $from_dir have been processed or skipped.\n");
if (@tmp_path_written) {
return $skip_count;
$SIG{INT} = sub { clean_up(); exit(130); };
eval { exit( main() ); };
print("Just dead from this script with message $@\n");
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