Collaborate with your classmates on a conceptual level but do not share code. Submit individually.
- Get started with Git source code management
- Make sure you can access the course examples on GitHub
- Make sure you can use your development environment to modify and update your projects on GitHub
This is a one-time sequence of steps.
Create a GitHub account (if you do not have one already).
Request the GitHub Student Developer Pack using your official Loyola email address (this should give you unlimited private repositories for free).
This is a one-time-per-project sequence of steps.
Copy this existing cs2-lab0-hello-java example in these steps:
- Copy the repo URL
- On the GitHub page, click the big plus sign in the top right corner.
- Select import repository.
- Paste the URL as the old repository's URL.
- Enter
as the name of your new repository. - Be sure to mark the new repository as private. If this does not work, ensure that you have properly requested the Student Developer Pack. Making your repository private is not critical for this project but will be required beyond this project for the rest of the course.
Before you continue working on this project, give the TA and the instructor access to your repo by following these steps:
- Press settings (the little gear symbol) on the right of the top menu bar.
- Under collaborators and teams add us as collaborators with read/write privileges.
- Notification will occur automatically.
In this section, you will close the (somewhat less frequent) outer development cycle, consisting of
- clone a remote repo (or pull your own or someone else's recent changes)
- change (edit-compile-test/run locally - usually a more frequent step)
- commit your changes (locally)
- push your changes to the remote repo
Do not follow the instructions in the README file of your cs2-lab0-hello-java projects. Follow only the instructions provided right here.
To clone through the IDE,
- on the web page for your own private remote GitHub repository cs2-lab0-hello-java, use the green clone or download button to copy the HTTPS-based repository URL
- in IntelliJ IDEA, VCS > Get from version control > GitHub > log in using your credentials
- choose the desired remote GitHub repository cs2-lab0-hello-java from the list and press clone
- "You have checked out an IntelliJ IDEA project ..." > press yes
- if you don't already have Git installed, IDEA might prompt you to download it or, on a Mac, the XCode command line tools
You are now ready to make changes to your repository (inner edit/compile/run cycle)
To commit and push through the IDE,
choose from the top-level menu
VCS > Commit
enter a very brief description of the changes you are committing
from the dropdown in the bottom right corner, choose commit and push
Alternatively, to commit from the command line,
cd your-project-root git commit -asm "brief description of changes" git push
Finally, visit the web page of your remote GitHub repository and navigate to one of the source files you have changed to verify that the change is there.
Congratulations, you have now pushed your changes to your remote GitHub repository!
Make an inline submission in Sakai by pasting your GitHub repository URL of the form