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Last active June 5, 2021 22:10
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AUX Hack on Volvo HU-xxxx
/* Melbus CDCHGR Emulator
* Program that emulates the MELBUS communication from a CD-changer (CD-CHGR) in a Volvo V70 (HU-xxxx) to enable AUX-input through the 8-pin DIN-contact.
* Tis setup is using an Arduino Nano 5v clone
* The HU enables the CD-CHGR in its source-menue after a successful initialization procedure is accomplished.
* The HU will remove the CD-CHGR everytime the car starts if it wont get an response from CD-CHGR (second init-procedure).
* Karl Hagström 2015-11-04
* This project went realy smooth thanks to these sources:
const uint8_t MELBUS_CLOCKBIT_INT = 1; //interrupt numer (INT1) on DDR3
const uint8_t MELBUS_CLOCKBIT = 3; //Pin D3 - CLK
const uint8_t MELBUS_DATA = 4; //Pin D4 - Data
const uint8_t MELBUS_BUSY = 5; //Pin D5 - Busy
volatile uint8_t melbus_ReceivedByte = 0;
volatile uint8_t melbus_LastReadByte[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0 ,0, 0, 0, 0};
volatile uint8_t melbus_Bitposition = 7;
uint8_t ByteToSend = 0;
volatile long Counter = 0;
volatile bool InitialSequence = false;
volatile bool ByteIsRead = false;
volatile bool sending_byte = false;
volatile bool melbus_MasterRequested = false;
volatile bool melbus_MasterRequestAccepted = false;
volatile bool Connected = false;
volatile bool testbool = false;
volatile bool AllowInterruptRead = true;
//Startup seequence
void setup() {
//Data is deafult input high
//Activate interrupt on clock pin (INT1, D3)
//Set Clockpin-interrupt to input
//Initiate serial communication to debug via serial-usb (arduino)
Serial.println("Initiating contact with Volvo-Melbus:");
//Call function that tells HU that we want to register a new device
//Main loop
void loop() {
//Waiting for the clock interrupt to trigger 8 times to read one byte before evaluating the data
if (ByteIsRead) {
//Reset bool to enable reading of next byte
//If we failed to connect, reset and retry the init procedure
if(Counter>100 && Connected == false){
Serial.print("\nRetrying to connect...\n");
melbus_MasterRequested = false;
melbus_MasterRequestAccepted = false;
Counter = 0;
//Check if this is the very first initial sequence (07 1A EE ....)
if(melbus_LastReadByte[2] == 0x07 && melbus_LastReadByte[1] == 0x1A && melbus_LastReadByte[0] == 0xEE)
InitialSequence = true;
Serial.println("Initiating CD-CHGR...");
//Now check if this is the car ignition startup sequence.
//The HU performes a check everytime the car starts, to evaluate if the initiated applications are still present: (00 00 1C ED ....)
//This function is not necessary since the Arduino reconnects if not connected by calling the first init-procedure!
else if(melbus_LastReadByte[3] == 0x00 && melbus_LastReadByte[2] == 0x00 && melbus_LastReadByte[1] == 0x1C && melbus_LastReadByte[0] == 0xED){
Serial.println("Initiating ignition CD-CHGR...");
InitialSequence = true;
//If this is the initial sequense and the HU is now asking if the CD-CHGR (0xE8) is prsent?
if(melbus_LastReadByte[0] == 0xE8 && InitialSequence == true){
InitialSequence = false;
//Returning the expected byte to the HU, to confirm that the CD-CHGR is present (0xEE)! see "ID Response"-table here
//Make sure the bit-counter is reset before we go back to reading bytes...
//Check if the HU is asking for current track information (E9 1B E0 01 08 .......) - about once a second
//The HU is writing out CD ERROR if it wont get a response on this... the AUX works anyway!
else if(melbus_LastReadByte[4] == 0xE9 && melbus_LastReadByte[3] == 0x1B && melbus_LastReadByte[2] == 0xE0 && melbus_LastReadByte[1] == 0x01 && melbus_LastReadByte[0] == 0x08 ){
Connected = true;
Serial.println("\nTrack info requested!");
/* This is where you could request master mode and send the HU your cartridge and track info to display instead of "CD ERROR":
* 1. Wait for Busy-pin to go high again (HU not currently using melbus)
* 2. Pull datapin low for 2ms
* 3. listen for the "Master request broadcast" and then respond to your address followed by 8 bits (track info)
* see for further info
* For some reson I didn't get the HU to send out the Master request broadcast...
* I gave up since I don't care that the display sais CD Error (legit message since my smartphone lacks a CD!)
//If BUSYPIN is HIGH => HU is in between transmissions
if (digitalRead(MELBUS_BUSY)==HIGH)
//Make sure we are in sync when reading the bits by resetting the clock reader
melbus_Bitposition = 7;
//Notify HU that we want to trigger the first initiate procedure to add a new device (CD-CHGR) by pulling BUSY line low for 1s
void melbus_Init_CDCHRG() {
//Disabel interrupt on INT1 quicker then: detachInterrupt(MELBUS_CLOCKBIT_INT);
EIMSK &= ~(1<<INT1);
// Wait untill Busy-line goes high (not busy) before we pull BUSY low to request init
digitalWrite(MELBUS_BUSY, LOW);
digitalWrite(MELBUS_BUSY, HIGH);
//Enable interrupt on INT1, quicker then: attachInterrupt(MELBUS_CLOCKBIT_INT, MELBUS_CLOCK_INTERRUPT, RISING);
EIMSK |= (1<<INT1);
//This is a function that sends a byte to the HU - (not using interrupts)
void SendByteToMelbus(uint8_t byteToSend){
//Disabel interrupt on INT1 quicker then: detachInterrupt(MELBUS_CLOCKBIT_INT);
EIMSK &= ~(1<<INT1);
//Convert datapin to output
//pinMode(MELBUS_DATA, OUTPUT); //To slow, use DDRD instead:
//For each bit in the byte
for(int i=7;i>=0;i--)
//If bit [i] is "1" - make datapin high
if(byteToSend & (1<<i)){
//digitalWrite(, HIGH); //To slow, use AVR-style instead:
//if bit [i] is "0" - make databpin low
//dummyloop until clk goes low and then high again (I think HU is recording the value on datapin when clk goes back high again)
while(PIND & (1<<MELBUS_CLOCKBIT)){}
while(!(PIND & (1<<MELBUS_CLOCKBIT))){}
//Reset datapin to high and return it to an input
//Enable interrupt on INT1, quicker then: attachInterrupt(MELBUS_CLOCKBIT_INT, MELBUS_CLOCK_INTERRUPT, RISING);
EIMSK |= (1<<INT1);
//Global external interrupt that triggers when clock pin goes high after it has been low for a short time => time to read datapin
//Read status of Datapin and set status of current bit in recv_byte
if (digitalRead(MELBUS_DATA)==HIGH){
melbus_ReceivedByte |= (1<<melbus_Bitposition); //set bit nr [melbus_Bitposition] to "1"
else {
melbus_ReceivedByte &=~(1<<melbus_Bitposition); //set bit nr [melbus_Bitposition] to "0"
//if all the bits in the byte are read:
if (melbus_Bitposition==0) {
//Move every lastreadbyte one step down the array to keep track of former bytes
for(int i=7;i>0;i--){
melbus_LastReadByte[i] = melbus_LastReadByte[i-1];
//Insert the newly read byte into first position of array
melbus_LastReadByte[0] = melbus_ReceivedByte;
//set bool to true to evaluate the bytes in main loop
ByteIsRead = true;
//Reset bitcount to first bit in byte
else {
//set bitnumber to address of next bit in byte
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