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Last active May 9, 2020 23:52
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Pinyin support for Language Learning with Netflix Extension

First, you need to install this extension:


  1. Go to and start a movie
  2. Press the extension button so that "On" is displayed
  3. Open developer tools by pressing F12
  4. If not selected, go to the Console tab
  5. Execute require("ctp", "chinese-to-pinyin");
  6. Wait until you see Finished getting chinese-to-pinyin
  7. Execute
let subtitlesSelector = ".lln-subs-font-adjust";
$("body").on('DOMSubtreeModified', subtitlesSelector, function() {
    $(subtitlesSelector).find("span").each(function() {
        let oldText = $(this).text();
        let newText = ctp(oldText);
        if (oldText !== newText) {
  1. Press F12 again to close the developer tools
  2. Enjoy the movie!
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Nice hack. 👍
Kudos from LLN. Email us, [email protected] :-)

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varenc commented May 5, 2020

@hobodrifterdavi please implement this!

Also nice job @klausondrag showing how simple this can be. Very slick!! (though mutation events might be deprecated for MutationObserver eventually 🤷‍♂️)

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wdhaines commented May 9, 2020

Yeah, this stopped working well for me in the newest Chrome (81.0.4044.138). The callback only seems to trigger when I hover on the Chinese characters, so maybe there’s some new caching going on in the DOM?

Here’s a MutationObserver version that seems to work better:

require("ctp", "chinese-to-pinyin");
let subtitlesSelector = ".lln-subs-font-adjust";
let mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
  mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
    $(subtitlesSelector).find("span").each(function() {
        let oldText = $(this).text();
        let newText = ctp(oldText);
        if (oldText !== newText) {
mutationObserver.observe(document.documentElement, {
  attributes: true,
  characterData: true,
  childList: true,
  subtree: true,
  attributeOldValue: true,
  characterDataOldValue: true

Could likely be simplified…

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wdhaines commented May 9, 2020

Also, thank you @klausondrag, this workaround was exactly what I needed until LLWN implements this as a real feature!

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