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Last active February 23, 2023 18:26
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(type $t0 (func))
(type $t1 (func (result i64)))
(func $spiller (type $t0))
(func $main (export "main") (type $t1) (result i64)
(local $l0 i64)
(local.set $l0
(i32.const 0)))
(call $spiller)
(loop $L0
(if $I1
(i32.const 0)))
(local.set $l0
(local.get $l0)
(i64.const 1)))))
(if $I2
(local.get $l0)
(i64.const 1)))
(local.set $l0
(local.get $l0)
(i64.const 8)))))
(block $B3
(local.get $l0)
(i64.const 16777215))))
(call $spiller)
(br_if $L0))
(call $spiller))
(local.get $l0))
(memory $M0 1 1)
(data $d0 (i32.const 0) "xV4\12"))
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