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Last active October 5, 2023 10:14
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Cantenna mathematics

Waveguide theory

Cutoff frequency

Circular waveguide cutoff frequency equation for TE11 mode

fc = 1.8412 c / 2 pi a = 1.8412 c / pi D


  • fc = circular waveguide cutoff frequency in Hz
  • c = speed of light within the waveguide in metres per second
  • a = the internal radius for the circular waveguide in metres

λc = c / fc = 2 pi a / 1.8412 = pi D / 1.8412

Which means that:

λf < λc = 1.706 D
D = 0.586 λc > 0.586 λf = (1.8412 / pi) λf

Wifi is in the frequency range 2.412-2.484GHz, which is 12.077-12.438cm.

which for wifi (λf =~ 12.285cm, f =~ 2.422GHz) means:

D > 0.538 * 12.438 = 7.288 cm

For the TM01 the constant is 2.4049. We don't want this so the sign is the other way:

D < (2.4049 / pi) * 12.077 = 9.245 cm

2.4049 / pi = 0.766

Constants are zeros of the derivative of Bessel functions.

Guide wavelength

Guide wavelength is defined as the distance between two equal phase planes along the waveguide. The guide wavelength is a function of operating wavelength (or frequency) and the lower cutoff wavelength, and is always longer than the wavelength would be in free-space. Here's the equation for guide wavelength:

λG = λf / \sqrt{1- \frac{λf/λc}^2}

λf is the freespace wavelength, i.e. the wavelength you want to build your antenna for.

This is derived from the more general equation

1/λf^2 = 1/λG^2 + 1/λc^2

Application to cans

Writing λc in terms of the diameter we get:

λc = pi D / 1.8412

λc^2 = (pi/1.8412)^2 D^2 = 2.911 D^2

Which leads to the formula for λG found on

λG = λf / \sqrt{1- \frac{λf^2}{2.911 D^2}}

The length is apparently not as important, since it mostly affects the directionality. Most sites recommend at least 0.75 λG.



  1. N-Type Female chassis mount connector.
  2. Copper wire (12 gauge?) about 3cm
  3. Cable to connect to wireless card
  4. Can
  5. Assembly stuff

What I have

Can Diameter = 7.8cm = 0.078m

λf = 0.1227 m
λc = 0.078*2*pi/1.8412 = 0.2661 m
λG = λf / \sqrt{1- \frac{λf/λc}^2} = 0.3168 m
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