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Last active March 4, 2019 09:11
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How to migrate from dashlane to 1password

One does not simply export passwords from dashlane and expect them to be imported into 1password.

But with some DIY attitude it can be done:

  1. Export the Dashlane vault as CSV into a file, e.g. DashlanePrivate.csv
  2. Remove all non-password entries (cards, identities, passports, etc.).
  3. Create the migration script:
cat > migrate.awk <<EOF
  title = $1
  website = $2
  password = $6
  notes = $7
  if ($3 == "\"\"")
    username = $4;
    username = $3;
  print title "," website "," username "," password "," notes
  1. Running it:
> awk -F "," -f migrate.awk DashlanePrivate.csv > DashlanePrivateMigrated.csv

Import DashlanePrivateMigrated.csv using 1password "import from dashlane" option.


Test file:

cat > DashlaneTest.csv <<EOF 
"site2","","","[email protected]","","password2","note2"
"site4","site4.gx","user4","[email protected]","","password4","note4"

Running the test

> awk -F "," -f migrate.awk DashlaneTest.csv > DashlaneTestMigrated.csv

Verify DashlaneTestMigrated.csv by manual inspection.

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