I hereby claim:
- I am klittle32 on github.
- I am kylelittle (https://keybase.io/kylelittle) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASAZ14ViBGIpZVdN9D7UwSLvwPt84gbzqc3VE9iZFFnO1Ao
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text 2.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl" /usr/local/bin |
// Porter stemmer in Javascript. Few comments, but it's easy to follow against the rules in the original | |
// paper, in | |
// | |
// Porter, 1980, An algorithm for suffix stripping, Program, Vol. 14, | |
// no. 3, pp 130-137, | |
// | |
// see also http://www.tartarus.org/~martin/PorterStemmer | |
// Release 1 be 'andargor', Jul 2004 | |
// Release 2 (substantially revised) by Christopher McKenzie, Aug 2009 |
//Script to detect page type on Epicor iNet sites 2.5.3 and higher | |
//Version 1.0, 8/29/2013 | |
// For dynamic urls, use parameters and values in url string | |
// Create getQueryVariable function to access values in query string | |
function getQueryVariable(variable) | |
{ | |
var query = window.location.search.substring(1); | |
var vars = query.split("&"); | |
for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) { |
/*! matchMedia() polyfill - Test a CSS media type/query in JS. Authors & copyright (c) 2012: Scott Jehl, Paul Irish, Nicholas Zakas. Dual MIT/BSD license */ | |
/*! NOTE: If you're already including a window.matchMedia polyfill via Modernizr or otherwise, you don't need this part */ | |
/*! matchMedia() polyfill - Test a CSS media type/query in JS. Authors & copyright (c) 2012: Scott Jehl, Paul Irish, Nicholas Zakas, David Knight. Dual MIT/BSD license */ | |
// Paul Irish's match media: https://github.com/paulirish/matchMedia.js/blob/master/matchMedia.js | |
window.matchMedia || (window.matchMedia = function() { | |
"use strict"; | |
// For browsers that support matchMedium api such as IE 9 and webkit |