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Kyle L. Jensen kljensen

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kljensen /
Last active February 16, 2025 20:45
My glamorous .psqlrc

I use psql a lot when interacting with Postgres databases. I recently took the time to glam up my ~/.pgsqlrc and the results are pretty 🔥🔥🔥.

Obviously, I have the nord theme there. Anyhoo,

kljensen /
Created November 5, 2024 15:12
# We expect a single parameter, the URL of the YouTube video
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <YouTube URL>"
exit 1
# Get a temp file name
kljensen / bipartite-perfect-match-plpgsql.sql
Created April 30, 2024 21:01
Perfect matching check in a bipartite graph using PL/pgSQL
This file shows how to do a perfect matching check in a bipartite graph using PL/pgSQL.
-- Use the pg_temp schema to avoid conflicts with other sessions
SET search_path TO pg_temp;
kljensen /
Created August 15, 2022 17:48
Bulk Delete GitHub Repos
# This shell script will search for all repos matching a
# provided organization and regex. It will list those for
# you and, if you confirm, DELETE YOUR REPOS. 🔥🔥🔥⚠️⚠️⚠️
# It requires 'gh', the GitHub command line interface.
if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ]; then
echo "Illegal number of parameters $*"
echo "Usage: $0 USER/ORG REGEX"
kljensen /
Created March 30, 2021 00:25
Install PostgreSQL from source on GNU/Linux systems (likely also bsd)
# Create a temprary directory
tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d -t pg-install-XXXXXXXXXX)
printf "Using tmp directory $tmp_dir\n"
# Remove that directory upon exit
trap 'cd && rm -rf -- "$tmp_dir"' EXIT
# Change to tmp dir
kljensen / postgresql-drop-role-loop.sql
Last active March 9, 2021 21:11
Postgresql command to drop a role after removing all privileges in a loop
/* This function loops over all schemas and drops a role's
privileges in those schemas and then drops the role. Call
it like `SELECT drop_role('foo');` where 'foo' is the role
you want to drop. Would be nice to have exception handling
kljensen /
Last active March 8, 2021 11:56 — forked from dlage/
Namecheap DNS to zone file
kljensen / pre-commit
Created January 5, 2021 23:17
Git pre-commit hook to check/lint YAML format before committing
# This file, or contents like below, should be in
# .git/hooks/pre-commit. If you have a YAML file
# with invalid formatting, the commit will be aborted.
# Check formatting of all yaml files.
# Uses yq v4. For v3 use 'r' instead of 'e'
fd -t f --regex '.*\.yaml' -x yq e {}
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# This is a zsh shell script for uploading files to s3 in order to share
# them via email, sms, or similar. The uploaded files are purged from your
# s3 bucket after 30 days so that you don't incur storage costs. After upload
# the public URLs for your files are copied to the clipboard (if you're using
# a mac and have `pbcopy`). The only zsh-specific part of the code is the
# array append/join (I think). You can likely port this to a different shell
# with relative ease. This requires the AWS CLI, AWS credentials (`aws configure`),
# and an existing bucket (see `$BUCKET` below).
kljensen / pf-whitelist-google-ip-addresses
Last active April 18, 2020 11:57
download google ip addresses in order to whitelist in your firewall, e.g. pf.
dig TXT +short | \
tr ' ' '\n'| \
grep 'include:' | \
sed 's/include://' | \
xargs -Ixxx dig TXT +short xxx | \
tr ' ' '\n' | \
grep '^ip[46]:' | \
cut -c5-
# Outputs something like