Personally, I really appreciate that they didn’t go with pixel art for the new Monkey Island game…
The idea that, in order to capture a similar feel, today’s games have to look like they did back in the 90s, seems kind of bonkers to me. It’s almost as absurd as saying that in order to fall in love again, you gotta go back and dress the same way you were dressed the first time you fell in love. And everyone else better dress up in the same way too, or else it just won’t be the same...
While pixel-art is a beautiful artform in its own right, and it does tend to remind us of our old love affair with adventure games, it’s really love itself we’re after - and I’m fairly sure that had very little to do with the size of the pixels.
When I started working on Justin Wack, I never saw blocky pixels as being part of the end result. Even though I do love that classic look, for me personally, there’s something just a little bit sad about the idea that everything related to this genre has to be some sort of throwback. K