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Last active April 7, 2021 09:45
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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Тестовое задание. Mojolicious:
# Напишите веб-приложение при запросе GET /user/info с "Accept: application/json"
# отдающее json в формате { ip : "IP address", os : "Operation system", browser : "Browser name" }
# Без "Accept: application/json" отдающее html в формате:
# IP: IP address
# OS: Operation system
# Browser: Browser name
# Для определения ОС и браузера из хедера User-Agent используйте одну из библиотек с CPAN.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
use Modern::Perl;
use utf8;
use open qw/:std :utf8/;
use Const::Fast;
use HTML::ParseBrowser;
use HTTP::Status qw/:constants/;
use Mojo::JSON qw/encode_json/;
use Mojo::Server::Prefork;
const my $LISTEN => [''];
const my $CHILDREN => 10;
const my $APP_JSON => 'application/json';
const my $CHARSET => ';charset=UTF-8';
my $daemon = _create_daemon();
request => sub
my ( $parent, $tx ) = @_;
my $path = $tx->req->url->path->to_string;
if ( $path eq '/user/info' && $tx->req->method eq 'GET' ) {
my ( $accept, $body ) = ( $tx->req->headers->accept );
my $ua = HTML::ParseBrowser->new( $tx->req->headers->user_agent );
if ( $accept && index( $accept, $APP_JSON ) != -1 ) {
$body = encode_json {
IP => $tx->remote_address,
OS => $ua->os,
Browser => $ua->name,
Accept => $accept,
else {
= 'IP: ' . $tx->remote_address . "\nOS: " . $ua->os . "\nBrowser: " . $ua->name;
$tx->res->headers->content_length( length $body );
else {
sub _create_daemon
my $daemon = Mojo::Server::Prefork->new( listen => $LISTEN );
# Без особых изысков:
return $daemon;
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