Acquired a few old HP servers for home lab.. this is to document their journey.
Started without using a monitor and a keyboard.
No access to any KVM over IP, or similar tools
Decided to use the constraints and turn it into a fun learning exercise.
- Plugged servers in. And connected the ethernet port of the iLO to my network to be able to manage them.
- Override systems maintenance switch to be able to reset passwords. HP servers have a diagram inside the cover of the server that shows how to do this.. Example
- Use my network to find the current IPs of the iLO and connect to them by getting an IP on the same network
- My network switch leaked the IP of the devices connected to it, it was then really simple to set a static IP on the same network to access the ILO.
Accessing the iLO from a browser:
, yields the following error.ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH
- Using a browser from a really old iso (centos 6 live CD) that will accept TLS 1.0.
- Decided not to use this workaround, instead will use HP's SMash and scripting tools (as I find out about them).
- For iLO4, after the upgrade I've been able to access the iLO through the browser.
Protocol -> TLS 1.2
Key exchange -> ECDHE_RSA with P-384
Server signature -> RSA with SHA-512
Cipher -> AES_128_GCM
trying to ssh into the ilo the first time and go the following errors:
no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-dss
simply ssh by offering what the server is asking for.
KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-dss
Once ssh is successful, let's learn about the 2 servers.
poking around I was able to get information about the firmware and names. Here are the commands I used
show /system1/firmware1
show /system1 name
show /map1 name
name=iLO 3 Advanced
name=ProLiant DL360 G7
name=iLO 4
name=ProLiant DL380p Gen8
Here is full documentation on iLO3 and iLO4
Once we've poked around, let's set the configure the iLOs with DHCP and set their hostname. I reuse the iLO SN.
cd /map1/dnsendpt1
set Hostname ILOXXXXXX
cd /map1/dhcpendpt1
set EnabledState yes
Now the iLOs can be addressed by name and managed easily managed.
Create config file for ILO
KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-dss
User Administrator
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/$SSH_USER@$SSH_HOST
KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-dss
User Administrator
Ciphers +aes256-cbc
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/$SSH_USER@$SSH_HOST
Generate Keys
ssh-keygen -t dsa -f $SSH_USER@$SSH_HOST -b 1024 -P '' -f ~/.ssh/$SSH_USER@$SSH_HOST
ssh-keygen -t dsa -f $SSH_USER@$SSH_HOST -b 1024 -P '' -f ~/.ssh/$SSH_USER@$SSH_HOST
Add Keys ~/.ssh/$SSH_USER@$
to the portal
<LOGIN USER_LOGIN="adminname" PASSWORD="password">
<RIB_INFO MODE="write">
-----BEGIN SSH KEY-----
ContentOfYourSSHKey== USER
-----END SSH KEY-----
Download files and extract them
We use the HP website to find each server's iLO files and BIOS upgrade files.
For Linux components: Depending on the file format, enter one of the following commands:
#sh ./CP00XXXX.scexe --unpack=/tmp/ #rpm2cpio hp-firmware-ilo4-2.xx-1x1.i386.rpm | cpio -id
Download iLO files
Extract iLO files
for iLO4
sh ./CP051872.scexe --unpack=/tmp/iLO4 ls /tmp/iLO4 | grep .bin ilo4_281.bin
for iLO3
rpm2cpio firmware-ilo3-1.94-1.1.i386.rpm | cpio -id ls usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/firmware-ilo3-1.94-1.1/ | grep .bin ilo3_194.bin
Install iLOfw.bin
load /map1/firmware1 -source http://$HOST/$ILO_BINARY.bin
Verify the installed versions
For iLO4 Before
/map1/firmware1 Targets Properties version=1.94 date=Dec 06 2020
For iLO4 After
/map1/firmware1 Targets Properties version=2.81 date=Jul 27 2022 name=iLO 4
Download ROM BIOS
Extract BIOS ROM
for P68
rpm2cpio firmware-system-p68-2018.05.21-1.1.i386.rpm | cpio -id 3846 blocks ls ./usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/firmware-system-p68-2018.05.21-1.1/ CP036591.xml CPQP6803.4B5 cpqsfp68.cfg hpsetup
for P70
rpm2cpio firmware-system-p70-2019.05.24-1.1.i386.rpm | cpio -id 10038 blocks kenzo@ThinkyT420:~/Downloads$ ls ./usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/firmware-system-p70-2019.05.24-1.1/ CP040097.xml CPQP7013.6B8 cpqsfp70.cfg hpsetup setup
Verify the installed versions
for P68
/system1/firmware1 Targets Properties version=P68 date=07/02/2013
for P70
/system1/firmware1 Targets Properties version=P70 date=05/24/2019
load /map1/firmware1 -source http://$HOST/$ILO_BINARY.bin
TODO: for configuring the iLO
Set ilo Hostname
Set Lisence Key
nfs mount synology