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Last active November 15, 2024 11:52
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;; Traditional Abstract DPLL (no clause learning)
;; See this paper:
#lang racket
(define (clause? cl)
(match cl
[`(,(? integer? x) ...) #t]
[_ #f]))
(define (classify-clause cl M)
(match cl
[`(,lits ...)
;; accumulate the number of positive and negative literals
(define pn (foldl (match-lambda** [(lit `(,pos ,neg))
(let ([v (hash-ref M (abs lit) 'unassigned)])
(match v
['unassigned `(,pos ,neg)]
[#t (if (< lit 0) `(,pos ,(add1 neg)) `(,(add1 pos) ,neg))]
[#f (if (< lit 0) `(,(add1 pos) ,neg) `(,pos ,(add1 neg)))]))])
'(0 0)
(match pn
[`(,pos ,neg)
(cond [(> pos 0) 'satisfied]
[(= 1 (- (length lits) neg)) 'unit]
[(= (length lits) neg) 'conflicting]
[else 'unassigned])])]))
;; If there is a unit clause in the current assignment
;; then return that clause, otherwise return #f
(define (has-unit-clause? clauses M)
(λ (cl acc)
(if acc
(equal? (classify-clause cl M) 'unit)))
(set->list clauses)))
;; DPLL States
(define (state? st)
(match st
[`((,M-tr ,M) ∥ ,F)
(and (and (list? M-tr) (andmap integer? M-tr)) ;; M-tr
(and (hash? M)
(andmap integer? (hash-keys M))
(andmap boolean? (hash-values M))) ;; M
(and (list? F) (andmap clause? F)))]
['FailState #t]
[_ #f]))
(define (find-first-clause clauses M such-that)
(call/cc (λ (k)
(map (λ (cl) (if (equal? (classify-clause cl M) such-that)
(k cl)
(set->list clauses)))))
(define (find-first-unassigned-lit clause M)
(call/cc (λ (k) (map (λ (lit) (if (not (hash-has-key? M (abs lit)))
(k lit)
(define (⇒ state)
(match state
;; UnitPropagate
[`((,M-tr ,M) ∥ ,clauses)
#:when (has-unit-clause? clauses M)
(let* ([unit-clause
;; walks over clauses until we find one that is unit
(find-first-clause clauses M 'unit)]
;; walks over all literals until it finds one that is unassigned
[ulit (find-first-unassigned-lit unit-clause M)])
`((,(cons ulit M-tr) ,(hash-set M (abs ulit) (if (< ulit 0) #f #t))) ∥ ,clauses))]
[`((,M-tr ,M) ∥ ,clauses)
#:when (> (count (λ (cl) (equal? 'unassigned (classify-clause cl M))) (set->list clauses)) 0)
(let* ([unassigned-clause
;; walks over clauses until we find one that is unassigned
(find-first-clause clauses M 'unassigned)]
;; walks over all literals until it finds one that is unassigned
[dlit (find-first-unassigned-lit unassigned-clause M)])
`((,(cons `(d ,dlit) M-tr) ,(hash-set M (abs dlit) (if (< dlit 0) #f #t))) ∥ ,clauses))]
[`((,M-tr ,M) ∥ ,clauses)
(and (> (count (λ (cl) (equal? 'conflicting (classify-clause cl M))) (set->list clauses)) 0)
;; the trail contains no decision literals
(andmap (λ (trail-entry) (match trail-entry [`(d ,_) #f] [_ #t])) M-tr))
;; Top-level conflict
[`((,M-tr ,M) ∥ ,clauses)
(and (> (count (λ (cl) (equal? 'conflicting (classify-clause cl M))) (set->list clauses)) 0)
;; the trail contains a decision literal
(ormap (λ (trail-entry) (match trail-entry [`(d ,_) #t] [_ #f])) M-tr))
;; helper function: pop from the trail and unassign until a decision
(define (h M-tr M)
(match (first M-tr)
;; the topmost decision literal
[`(d ,lit) `((,(cons (- lit) (rest M-tr)) ,M) ∥ ,clauses)]
;; a lit that was from unit propagation
[lit (h (rest M-tr) (hash-remove M lit))]))
(h M-tr M)]
[_ `(SAT ,state)]))
;; Some examples
(⇒ `((() ,(hash)) ∥ ,(set '(-1) '(1 4) '(1 -4 3))))))
;; clauses is a list of clauses
(define (inj clauses)
`((() ,(hash)) ∥ ,(list->set clauses)))
(⇒ (⇒ (inj '((1 2) (-1 -2)))))
;; generate a big set of clauses and then run the propagator
#;(let* ([N 500]
[nums (range 1 N)]
[lits (map (λ (x) (if (= 0 (random 0 2)) (- x) x)) nums)]
[clauses (list->set (map (λ (len)
;; take the first n-1
(let ([first-n (take lits (- len 1))]
[l (list-ref lits (- len 1))])
(append (map - first-n) (list l))))
(range 1 N)))])
;(pretty-print clauses)
(pretty-print (first (first (foldl (λ (i st)
;(pretty-print st)
(⇒ st))
`((() ,(hash)) ∥ ,clauses)
(range 499))))))
(define (run clauses)
(define (h st)
(match st
['FailState (pretty-print 'UNSAT)]
[`(SAT ,st) (pretty-print `(SAT ,(first (first st))))]
[_ (pretty-print st)
(pretty-print '⇒)
(h (⇒ st))]))
(h (inj clauses)))
;(run '((1 2) (-1 2) (1 -2) (-1 -2)))
;(run '((1 2) (-1 3) (-2 -3) (-1 -3)))
(run '((1 2 3) (-1 2) (-2 3 4) (-3 -4 5) (1 -5) (-1 -3 -5) (2 4 -5) (-1 -2 -3 -4 -5)))
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