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Created February 25, 2025 20:32
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#lang racket
;; CIS352 -- Feb 25, 2025
;; How do you calculate the transitive closure of a graph given using
;; the layout we've discussed?
;; Let's define a function `(step gr)`, which take a graph as
;; input. It will give us back a graph as output, with the promise
;; that it will only add edges--no edges will be deleted from gr
;; The job of this function is to find all of the "one-step transitive"
;; edges.
(define (step gr)
;; Our high-level thought:
;; for all edges x → y:
;; for all edges y → z:
;; add x → z to the graph
;; But the graph is a hash, not a list of edges...
(define (add-link gr x y) (hash-set gr x (set-add (hash-ref gr x (set)) y)))
;; for all x in the list (hash-keys gr):
;; for all y in the set (hash-ref gr x):
;; for all z in the set (hash-ref gr y):
;; add the x → z to the graph
(λ (x gr)
(foldl (λ (y gr)
(foldl (λ (z gr)
(add-link gr x z))
(set->list (hash-ref gr y))))
;; This step function adds all of the *one-step* transitive edges.
;; So what you need to do is write a small helper function that
;; recursively calls step and waits until the output equals the input.
;; At that point we've hit a fixed-point and we can return.
;; A fixed-point of some function f is a point x s.t. f(x) = x
;; For all x ∈ (hash-keys gr):
;; For all y ∈ (hash-ref gr x):
;; add x → y to the set of edges
(define (enumerate-edges gr)
(λ (x st-edges)
(λ (y st-edges)
(set-add st-edges `(,x → ,y)))
(set->list (hash-ref gr x))))
(hash-keys gr)))
(define (length-is-len-1? l)
(and (cons? l)
(empty? (cdr l))))
;(if #f (/ 1 0) 42)
; (and e0 e1)
#;(if e0
#;(let ([v0 e0])
(if v0
(define (shortest-string lst)
(match lst
;[(cons s '()) s] equiv to next line...
[`(,s) s]
[`(,hd . ,tl)
(if (< (string-length hd) (string-length (shortest-string tl)))
(shortest-string tl))]))
(define (same-length? l0 l1)
;; two ways...
#;(match (cons l0 l1)
[`(() . ()) #t]
[`(_ . ()) #t]
[`(() . _) #t]
[_ (same-length l0 l1)])
(cond [(and (empty? l0) (empty? l1)) #t]
[(empty? l0) #f]
[(empty? l1) #f]
[else (same-length? (rest l0) (rest l1))]))
(define (command? c)
(match c
;; swap x and y's value
[`(swap ,(? symbol? x) ,(? symbol? y)) #t]
;; assign x to the value of y
[`(assign ,(? symbol? x) ,(? number? y)) #t]
;; assign x to the value of y+z
[`(add ,(? symbol? x) ,(? symbol? y) ,(? symbol? z)) #t]))
;; "interpret" a single command: return the resulting hash. Swap
;; should swap the values in x and y. Assign should assign to the
;; value x. Add should assign to the value x with the value of y plus
;; the value of z.
(define (interpret-command e h)
(match e
[`(swap ,x ,y) (let ([v (hash-ref h x)]) (hash-set (hash-set h x (hash-ref h y)) y v))]
[`(assign ,x ,y) (hash-set h x y)]
[`(add ,x ,y ,z) (hash-set h x (+ (hash-ref h y) (hash-ref h z)))]
[_ #f]))
(define (interpret-commands cmds)
(λ (c h) (interpret-command c h))
(define (max-list-tail l)
;; acc tracks the max
(define (h l acc)
(match l
['() acc]
[`(,hd . ,tl) (if (> hd acc) (h tl hd) (h tl acc))]))
(h l -inf.0))
;; come back, write another example
(define (commas strings)
(match strings
['() ""]
[`(,hd . ,tl) (string-append hd "," (commas tl))]))
(define (commas-again strings)
(λ (next-string acc-str)
(string-append next-string "," acc-str))
(define (f x y z)
(+ x y z))
;(define f (λ (x y z) (+ x y z)))
;; any time you call a function, you *could* have called a lambda
(define g (λ (x y z) ((λ (x y z) (+ x y z)) x y z)))
(define (map f l)
(match l
['() '()]
[`(,hd . ,tl) (cons (f hd) (map f tl))]))
(define (h y)
(define (f x) (+ (* x 2) y))
(map f '(1 2 3)))
;; if you just have, (a) variables, (b) functions/λ, and (c) single-arg function calls
;; you have a Turing-complete language.
(define (λ? e)
(match e
[(? symbol? x) #t]
[`(,(? λ? e0) ,(? λ? e1)) #t]
[`(λ (,(? symbol? x)) ,(? λ? e-body)) #t]
[_ #f]))
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