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Created October 1, 2024 19:20
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#lang racket
;; Direct style
(define (filter f l)
(match l
['() '()]
[`(,hd . ,tl) (if (f hd) (cons hd (filter f tl)) (filter f tl))]))
;; Tail recursive version
(define (filter-tl f l)
(define (h l acc)
(match l
['() (reverse acc)]
[`(,hd . ,tl) (if (f hd) (h tl (cons hd acc)) (h tl acc))]))
(h l '()))
(define g (hash "n0" (set "n0" "n1") "n1" (set "n1" "n2") "n2" (set "n3") "n3" (set)))
;; g is a graph (as defined in the sense of project 2)
;; hash whose keys are strings and whose values are sets of strings
(define (all-values g)
(define (h lst)
(match lst
['() (set)]
[`(,hd . ,rst) (set-union (hash-ref g hd) (h rst))]))
(h (hash-keys g)))
(all-values g)
;; Exercise: do this in class until 2:29PM
(define (all-values-tl g)
;; lst is a list of the remaining keys
;; acc is an accumulator which tracks a set of values to be returned
(define (h lst acc)
(match lst
['() acc] ;; base case, return accumulator
[`(,hd . ,tl) (h tl (set-union (hash-ref g hd) acc))]))
;; acc by set-unioning the result of hash-ref
(h (hash-keys g) (set)))
(define (add-edge g x y)
(hash-set g x (set-add (hash-ref g x (set)) y)))
;; takes in a graph g and adds an edge from each node to the node n
(define (add-edge-to-each g n)
(define (h lst)
(match lst
['() g]
[`(,hd . ,tl) (add-edge (h tl) hd n)]))
(h (hash-keys g)))
;; Exercise: fill in the call to (h ...) to make this tail recursive
(define (add-edge-to-each-tl g n)
(define (h lst acc)
(match lst
['() acc]
[`(,hd . ,tl) (h tl (add-edge acc hd n))]))
(h (hash-keys g)))
;; If we think of the list as
;; (cons x0 (cons x1 (... (cons xn '()) ...)))
;; (f x0 (f x1 (... (f xn i) ...)))
(define (foldr f i l)
(match l
['() i] ;; return the initial value
[`(,hd . ,tl) (f hd (foldr f i tl))]))
(define (filter-list f l)
(foldr (λ (next-element acc) (if (f next-element) (cons next-element acc) acc))
(define (foldl reducer acc lst)
(match lst
['() acc]
[`(,hd . ,tl)
(foldl reducer (reducer hd acc) tl)]))
;; takes a hash h and adds n to each value
(define (add-to-each h n)
(foldr (λ (k hsh) (hash-set hsh k (+ (hash-ref h k) n)))
(hash-keys h)))
;; Finding one-step transitive edges
;; a transitive edge is x -> z where there are edges x -> y and y -> z
;; Hint for P2: finding one-step transitive edges
;; Accumulate a graph g
;; For each node x:
;; For each node y ∈ (hash-ref g x):
;; For each node z ∈ (hash-ref g y):
;; Add an edge from x -> z
(λ (x g)
(foldl (λ (y g)
(foldl (λ (z g) ...)
(set->list (hash-ref g x))))
(hash-keys initial-graph))
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