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Created July 1, 2016 00:51
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parser combinator library in Nim
import strutils
import lists
import re
Parser[T] = proc(input: string): Maybe[(T, string)]
Maybe*[T] = object
value: T
hasValue: bool
proc Just*[T](value: T): Maybe[T] =
result.hasValue = true
result.value = value
proc Nothing*[T]: Maybe[T] =
result.hasValue = false
proc regex(regex: Regex): Parser[string] =
(proc (input: string): Maybe[(string, string)] =
let (first, last) = findBounds(input, regex)
if first == 0:
Just((input[0 .. last], input[(last + 1) .. input.len]))
Nothing[(string, string)]()
proc repeat[T](body: Parser[T]): Parser[DoublyLinkedList[T]] =
(proc (input: string): Maybe[(DoublyLinkedList[T], string)] =
var list = initDoublyLinkedList[T]()
var rest = input
while true:
let xresult = body(rest)
if xresult.hasValue:
let (xvalue, xnext) = xresult.value
rest = xnext
return Just((list, rest))
proc `/`[T](lhs, rhs: Parser[T]): Parser[T] =
(proc (input: string): Maybe[(T, string)] =
let lresult = lhs(input)
if lresult.hasValue:
proc `+`[T, U](lhs: Parser[T], rhs: Parser[U]): Parser[(T, U)] =
(proc (input: string): Maybe[((T, U), string)] =
let lresult = lhs(input)
if lresult.hasValue:
let (lvalue, lnext) = lresult.value
let rresult = rhs(lnext)
if rresult.hasValue:
let (rvalue, rnext) = rresult.value
Just (((lvalue, rvalue), rnext))
Nothing[((T, U), string)]()
Nothing[((T, U), string)]()
proc s(value: string): Parser[string] =
(proc (input: string): Maybe[(string, string)] =
if input.startsWith(value):
Just ((input[0 .. (value.len - 1)], input[value.len .. input.len]))
Nothing[(string, string)]()
proc map[T, U](parser: Parser[T], f: (proc(value: T): U)): Parser[U] =
(proc (input: string): Maybe[(U, string)] =
let xresult = parser(input)
if xresult.hasValue:
let (xvalue, xnext) = xresult.value
Just((f(xvalue), xnext))
Nothing[(U, string)]()
proc flatMap[T, U](parser: Parser[T], f: (proc(value: T): Parser[U])): Parser[U] =
(proc (input: string): Maybe[(U, string)] =
let xresult = parser(input)
if xresult.hasValue:
let (xvalue, xnext) = xresult.value
Nothing[(U, string)]()
proc chainl[T](p: Parser[T], q: Parser[(proc(a: T, b: T): T)]): Parser[T] =
(p + (q + p).repeat()).map(proc(values: (T, DoublyLinkedList[((proc(a: int, b: int): int), T)])): T =
let (x, xs) = values
var a = x
for fb in xs:
let (f, b) = fb
a = f(a, b)
proc A(): Parser[int]
proc M(): Parser[int]
proc P(): Parser[int]
proc number(): Parser[int]
proc E(): Parser[int] = A()
proc A(): Parser[int] = M().chainl(
(s("+").map(proc(s: string): (proc(lhs: int, rhs: int): int) =
(proc(lhs: int, rhs: int): int = lhs + rhs))) /
(s("-").map(proc(_: string): (proc(lhs: int, rhs: int): int) =
(proc(lhs: int, rhs: int): int = lhs - rhs)))
proc M(): Parser[int] = P().chainl(
(s("*").map(proc(s: string): (proc(lhs: int, rhs: int): int) =
(proc(lhs: int, rhs: int): int = lhs * rhs))) /
(s("/").map(proc(_: string): (proc(lhs: int, rhs: int): int) =
(proc(lhs: int, rhs: int): int = lhs div rhs)))
proc P(): Parser[int] =
s("(").flatMap(proc(_: string): Parser[int] =
E().flatMap(proc(e: int): Parser[int] =
s(")").map(proc(_: string): int =
e))) / number()
proc number(): Parser[int] = regex(re"[0-9]+").map(proc(n: string): int =
echo E()("(1+2)*(3+4)")
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