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Created February 2, 2025 16:44
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Mozaic knob labels
ShowLayout 0
// Set the default label for knob 0 when the script loads.
LabelKnob 0, {Knob1}
// Only process changes for knob 0.
if LastKnob = 0
// Continue processing knob 0 changes.
// Retrieve the current value of knob 0.
knobValue = GetKnobValue 0
// Change the label based on the current knob value.
// If the value is less than 64, display "Setting A"; otherwise, display "Setting B".
if knobValue < 64
LabelKnob 0, {Setting A}
LabelKnob 0, {Setting B}
// Reset and start a timer with a 3000ms (3-second) interval.
// After 3 seconds of inactivity, the label will revert to the default.
SetTimerInterval 3000 // Timer set for 3000ms (3 seconds)
// When the timer fires, revert knob 0's label back to its default.
LabelKnob 0, {Knob1}
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