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Elapsed and execution time for commands in ZSH

Elapsed and execution time display for commands in ZSH

Append this to your ~/.zshrc file.

function preexec() {
  timer=$(($(date +%s%0N)/1000000))

function precmd() {
  if [ $timer ]; then
    now=$(($(date +%s%0N)/1000000))

    export RPROMPT="%F{cyan}${elapsed}ms %{$reset_color%}"
    unset timer

Remixed from @adri's snippet.

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rafbm commented Dec 9, 2020

The following is perfect for me on macOS:

setopt prompt_subst

function preexec() {
  cmd_start=$(($(print -P %D{%s%6.}) / 1000))

function precmd() {
  if [ $cmd_start ]; then
    local now=$(($(print -P %D{%s%6.}) / 1000))
    local d_ms=$(($now - $cmd_start))
    local d_s=$((d_ms / 1000))
    local ms=$((d_ms % 1000))
    local s=$((d_s % 60))
    local m=$(((d_s / 60) % 60))
    local h=$((d_s / 3600))

    if   ((h > 0)); then cmd_time=${h}h${m}m
    elif ((m > 0)); then cmd_time=${m}m${s}s
    elif ((s > 9)); then cmd_time=${s}.$(printf %03d $ms | cut -c1-2)s # 12.34s
    elif ((s > 0)); then cmd_time=${s}.$(printf %03d $ms)s # 1.234s
    else cmd_time=${ms}ms

    unset cmd_start
    # Clear previous result when hitting Return with no command to execute
    unset cmd_time

RPROMPT='%F{16}$(if [ $cmd_time ]; then echo "($cmd_time) "; fi)$(date "+%F %T %z")%F{none}'

The relevant variable is cmd_time. The full RPROMPT also contains the current date and time.

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ericbn commented Mar 4, 2021

Here's a code that uses more features from Zsh, a refactoring of the code by @rafbm. No command substitutions are used.

zmodload zsh/datetime

prompt_preexec() {

prompt_precmd() {
  if (( prompt_prexec_realtime )); then
    local -rF elapsed_realtime=$(( EPOCHREALTIME - prompt_prexec_realtime ))
    local -rF s=$(( elapsed_realtime%60 ))
    local -ri elapsed_s=${elapsed_realtime}
    local -ri m=$(( (elapsed_s/60)%60 ))
    local -ri h=$(( elapsed_s/3600 ))
    if (( h > 0 )); then
      printf -v prompt_elapsed_time '%ih%im' ${h} ${m}
    elif (( m > 0 )); then
      printf -v prompt_elapsed_time '%im%is' ${m} ${s}
    elif (( s >= 10 )); then
      printf -v prompt_elapsed_time '%.2fs' ${s} # 12.34s
    elif (( s >= 1 )); then
      printf -v prompt_elapsed_time '%.3fs' ${s} # 1.234s
      printf -v prompt_elapsed_time '%ims' $(( s*1000 ))
    unset prompt_prexec_realtime
    # Clear previous result when hitting ENTER with no command to execute
    unset prompt_elapsed_time

setopt nopromptbang prompt{cr,percent,sp,subst}

autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook preexec prompt_preexec
add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_precmd


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mezza commented Mar 23, 2021

How come you don't just use the timer plugin for oh-my-zshell? Just curious.

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<3 @mezza

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Is it possible to add this execution time at the rear of the first line like the style of Spaceship Prompt?

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Dumb question but whats the math for getting this in seconds? Change 1000000 to 1000?

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<3 @jututt

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Dumb question but whats the math for getting this in seconds? Change 1000000 to 1000?

Here is the same snippet as above, but it displays as seconds with 3 decimals

function preexec() {
  timer=$(($(date +%s%0N)*0.000000001))

function precmd() {
  if [ $timer ]; then
    now=$(($(date +%s%0N)*0.000000001))
    elapsed=$(echo $(($now-$timer)) | awk '{printf "%.3f", $1}')

    export RPROMPT="%F{cyan}${elapsed}s %{$reset_color%}"
    unset timer

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  cmd_start=$(($(print -P %D{%s%6.}) / 1000))

Why not simply use the following?

  cmd_start=$(print -P %D{%s%3.})

No need to ask for microsecs and then divide by 1000, if you can get millisecs directly...

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varalgit commented Mar 14, 2023

I wanted slightly more accuracy, and the time on the left of the normal prompt, so I've changed the code of rafbm to this (works on macos 13):

myprompt="%B%F{cyan}%n@%m:%d/ %h%(!.#.>)%f%b"

function preexec() {
  timer=$(print -P %D{%s%3.})

function precmd() {
  if [ $timer ]; then
    now=$(print -P %D{%s%3.})
    local d_ms=$(($now - $timer))
    local d_s=$((d_ms / 1000))
    local ms=$((d_ms % 1000))
    local s=$((d_s % 60))
    local m=$(((d_s / 60) % 60))
    local h=$((d_s / 3600))

    if   ((h > 0)); then timeprompt=${h}h${m}m${s}s
    elif ((m > 0)); then timeprompt=${m}m${s}.$(printf $(($ms / 100)))s # 1m12.3s
    elif ((s > 9)); then timeprompt=${s}.$(printf %02d $(($ms / 10)))s # 12.34s
    elif ((s > 0)); then timeprompt=${s}.$(printf %03d $ms)s # 1.234s
    else timeprompt=${ms}ms
    timeprompt="%B%F{yellow}${timeprompt} %f%b"
    unset timer
  export PS1=${timeprompt}${myprompt}

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junguler commented Nov 4, 2023

here is my idea of a simple prompt with random colors and also a slightly modified way of showing the numbers, having a 2 part place holder prompt when starting zsh and a 3 part prompt with elapsed time, also includes black and white part for error-ed out commands

had some help from here for making the random colors in the function part of the prompt work

PROMPT='%F{$(($RANDOM%6+1))}[%f%D{%H:%M}%F{$(($RANDOM%6+1))}] %F{$(($RANDOM%6+1))}[%f$(shrink_path -f)%F{$(($RANDOM%6+1))}]%f '

function preexec() {
  timer=$(date +%s%3N)

function precmd() {
  if [ $timer ]; then
    local now=$(date +%s%3N)
    local d_ms=$(($now-$timer))
    local d_s=$((d_ms / 1000))
    local ms=$((d_ms % 1000))
    local s=$((d_s % 60))
    local m=$(((d_s / 60) % 60))
    local h=$((d_s / 3600))
    if ((h > 0)); then elapsed=(${h}h ${m}m)
    elif ((m > 0)); then elapsed=(${m}m ${s}s)
    elif ((s >= 10)); then elapsed=${s}.$((ms / 100))s
    elif ((s > 0)); then elapsed=${s}.$((ms / 10))s
    else elapsed=${ms}ms

	psvar=("$(shrink_path -f)" "$elapsed" "[" "]")
	local ok="%F{$((RANDOM%6+1))}%3v%f%D{%H:%M}%F{$((RANDOM%6+1))}%4v %F{$((RANDOM%6+1))}%3v%f%1v%F{$((RANDOM%6+1))}%4v %F{$((RANDOM%6+1))}%3v%f%2v%F{$((RANDOM%6+1))}%4v%f "
	local err="%K{7}%F{0}%3v%D{%H:%M}%4v%k %K{7}%3v%1v%4v%k %K{7}%3v%2v%4v%k%f "

    unset timer

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Shows execution time at the end of the prompt

function preexec() {
  timer=$(($(date +%s%0N)/1000000))

function precmd() {
  if [ $timer ]; then
    now=$(($(date +%s%0N)/1000000))

    export PROMPT="$OG_PROMPT%F{cyan}${elapsed}ms %{$reset_color%}> "
    unset timer

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