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Josef Kemetmüller knedlsepp

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MawKKe /
Last active February 4, 2025 19:11
How to try out the new "mold" linker with your CMake C/C++ project

How to try out the new mold linker with your CMake C/C++ project

Here is a quick how-to if you want to try out the new (supposedly fast) C/C++ linker

In this document I used Ubuntu-22.04 docker container with

  • GCC version 11.2.0
  • Clang version 14.0.0

1. Install mold :

domenkozar / gist:c1da433406807255f9aa835d72976470
Created August 5, 2021 12:22
Thinkpad P14s NixOS installation
wpa_supplicant -B -i interface -c <(wpa_passphrase 'SSID' 'key').
parted /dev/nvme0n1 -- mklabel gpt
parted /dev/nvme0n1 -- mkpart primary 512MiB -0
parted /dev/nvme0n1 -- mkpart ESP fat32 1MiB 512MiB
parted /dev/nvme0n1 -- set 2 esp on
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/nvme0n1p1
linderd /
Last active July 11, 2024 01:38 — forked from timlinux/
Linux on Thinkpad P14s Gen2 AMD / T14 Gen2 AMD

Linux (Fedora 35) on a Thinkpad P14s [T14] Gen2 AMD

These are my installation-tricks and notes for running Linux on a 2021 Thinkpad P14s Gen2 with AMD Ryzen 7 5850U. It should also be suitable for the Thinkpad T14 Gen2 AMD as they are technically the same modell.
Meanwhile there is also a good test on youtube and an entry in the arch-wiki, which also comments some points mentioned here.

Detailed specs


adisbladis / podman-shell.nix
Last active March 1, 2025 19:22
Use podman within a nix-shell
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
# To use this shell.nix on NixOS your user needs to be configured as such:
# users.extraUsers.adisbladis = {
# subUidRanges = [{ startUid = 100000; count = 65536; }];
# subGidRanges = [{ startGid = 100000; count = 65536; }];
# };
edolstra /
Last active October 30, 2024 00:36
Nix language changes

This document contains some ideas for additions to the Nix language.


The Nix package manager, Nixpkgs and NixOS currently have several problems:

  • Poor discoverability of package options. Package functions have function arguments like enableFoo, but there is no way for the Nix UI to discover them, let alone to provide programmatic ways to
techhazard /
Last active May 24, 2024 16:51
NixOS: PCI Passthrough

PCI Passthrough

Warning: unfinished (but successfull!)

I did PCI passthrough on Archlinux and Debian with the old PCI-stub method (this was pre-4.0 era). And later I did PCI passthrough on the 4.1+ kernels on Arch and Ubuntu (16.10 I think?).

This is my attempt at doing the same on Nixos.


aw /
Created March 30, 2017 06:42
[SOLUTION] MongoDB aborting after invariant() failure

I recently ran into an issue of MongoDB shell commands not working. The error message was:

Invariant failure !driverName.empty() && !driverVersion.empty() && !osType.empty() && !osName.empty() && !osArchitecture.empty() && !osVersion.empty() src/mongo/rpc/metadata/client_metadata.cpp

I ran an strace on the mongo command and saw it was trying (and failing) to open the following files:

jahio / .profile
Created January 3, 2017 11:05
Some useful aliases for installing and working with NixOS
#!/usr/bin/env $SHELL
alias gramps="nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --list-generations"
alias nixos-rebuild="nixos-rebuild -j 6 --cores 8"
# -j is how many "jobs" or simultaneous computational processes run in tandem
# --cores is how many CPU cores you want to use
# How do you get these values? `cat /proc/cpuinfo` and look at the number of
# returned "CPUs". They're zero indexed, so if you get the last one as object
# number seven (7), you have 8 cores.
InsanePrawn /
Last active March 7, 2024 18:11
block device passthrough into systemd-nspawn for testing the munin smartctl plugin
edolstra /
Last active July 14, 2024 21:22
Nix UI

General notes

  • nix-channel and ~/.nix-defexpr are gone. We'll use $NIX_PATH (or user environment specific overrides configured via nix set-path) to look up packages. Since $NIX_PATH supports URLs nowadays, this removes the need for channels: you can just set $NIX_PATH to e.g. and stay up to date automatically.

  • By default, packages are selected by attribute name, rather than the name attribute. Thus nix install hello is basically equivalent to nix-env -iA hello. The attribute name is recorded in the user environment manifest and used in upgrades. Thus (at least by default) hello won't be upgraded to helloVariant.

    @vcunat suggested making this an arbitrary Nix expression rather than an attrpath, e.g. firefox.override { enableFoo = true; }. However, such an expression would not have a key in the user environment, unlike an attrpath. Better to require an explicit flag for this.

TBD: How to deal with search path clashes.