is installedtar
is installed
If you really don't want to install Nix under /nix
(or you can't) then you can install Nix
function d = distancePointsAffineSpace(Points, Space) | |
lengths = @(X) sqrt(sum(X.^2,2)); | |
d = lengths(Points - projectPointsOntoAffineSpace(Points, Space)); | |
end | |
function [projectedPoints, coordinates] = projectPointsOntoAffineSpace(Points, Space) | |
%coordinates are with respect to an orthonormal base located in Space(1,:) | |
dirVecs = bsxfun(@minus, Space(2:end,:), Space(1,:)); | |
% Orthonormalize the direction vectors; | |
dirVecs = orth(dirVecs.').'; |
%% %% Requirements: | |
%% distancePointsAffineSpace: | |
%% https://gist.github.com/knedlsepp/3e37f147cb4c94ae6223 | |
%% affineSpaceIntersection: | |
%% https://github.com/knedlsepp/affineSpaceIntersection/blob/master/affineSpaceIntersection.m | |
%% uniquetol: | |
%% http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/27498-unique-with-tolerance/content/uniquetol.m | |
%% // Read dataset |
clear; | |
data = [ 475. , 605.75, 1.; | |
571. , 586.5 , 2.; | |
233. , 558.5 , 3.; | |
669.5 , 562.75, 4.; | |
291.25, 546.25, 5.; | |
759. , 536.25, 6.; | |
362.5 , 531.5 , 7.; | |
448. , 513.5 , 8.; | |
834.5 , 510. , 9.; |
{nixpkgs ? null}: | |
let | |
sysPkg = import <nixpkgs> { }; | |
pinnedPkg = sysPkg.fetchFromGitHub { | |
owner = "NixOS"; | |
repo = "nixpkgs"; | |
rev = "cf62a27a326a9cdbb01d627b1faaea3a0d5e886c"; | |
sha256 = "1q74ciqq5r17vidw2025x8idsncz9k7w60warrij4q7piaffgvd7"; | |
}; | |
pkgs = if nixpkgs==null then |
let | |
lib = (import <nixpkgs> { overlays = []; }).lib; | |
composeOverlays = lib.foldl' lib.composeExtensions (self: super: {}); | |
in | |
composeOverlays [(import ./overlay1.nix) | |
(import ./overlay2.nix) | |
(self: super: {package30 = self.htop; }) | |
] |
{nixpkgs, ngsolveSrc}: | |
rec { | |
build = with import <nixpkgs> { }; | |
releaseTools.nixBuild { | |
name = "ngsolve"; | |
src = ngsolveSrc; | |
doCheck = true; | |
preConfigure = '' | |
echo "Prevent ngsolve from downloading catch manually" | |
substituteInPlace CMakeLists.txt \ |
#!/usr/bin/env $SHELL | |
alias gramps="nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --list-generations" | |
alias nixos-rebuild="nixos-rebuild -j 6 --cores 8" | |
# | |
# -j is how many "jobs" or simultaneous computational processes run in tandem | |
# --cores is how many CPU cores you want to use | |
# How do you get these values? `cat /proc/cpuinfo` and look at the number of | |
# returned "CPUs". They're zero indexed, so if you get the last one as object | |
# number seven (7), you have 8 cores. |
# Examples taken from: | |
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/c58b11d229f63a85ee1d05fc9940a20fa2b73975/pkgs/build-support/docker/examples.nix | |
# Usage: | |
# $ nix-build -A redis | |
# $ docker load < result | |
{ nixpkgs ? (builtins.fetchGit { | |
url = git://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels; | |
ref = "nixos-18.09"; | |
rev = "c58b11d229f63a85ee1d05fc9940a20fa2b73975"; | |
}) |