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Created November 3, 2022 03:29
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比较阿里云 OSS 于 CDN 价格
#!/usr/bin/env python -O
def compare_price(requests_count: int, cdn_hit_ratio: float, obj_size_kb: int):
cdn_traffic_per_gb_price = 0.24
cdn_https_requests_per_10_thousand_price = 0.05
cdn_back_to_origin_traffic_per_gb = 0.15
oss_traffic_per_gb_price = 0.5
oss_get_per_10_thousand_price = 0.01
hit_requests = int(requests_count * cdn_hit_ratio)
miss_requests = requests_count - hit_requests
cdn_total_price = requests_count * obj_size_kb * cdn_traffic_per_gb_price / 1024**2 + requests_count * cdn_https_requests_per_10_thousand_price / 10000 + miss_requests * obj_size_kb * cdn_back_to_origin_traffic_per_gb / 1024**2
oss_total_price = requests_count * obj_size_kb * oss_traffic_per_gb_price / 1024**2 + requests_count * oss_get_per_10_thousand_price / 10000
print('OSS total price:', oss_total_price)
print('CDN total price:', cdn_total_price)
compare_price(10000, 0.5, 200)
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