- Open shell (bash)
- Create new SSH key,
- keep pressing enter key until you get the fingerprint ASCII image
- After this is complete. You can now check if id_rsa.pub file is present
- Open CMD (cmd)
- Create new SSH key,
- keep pressing enter key until you get the fingerprint ASCII image
- After this is complete. You can now check if id_rsa.pub file is present
- Install one: https://git-scm.com/download/win
- Click on your profile picture
- Go to Settings
- In the Access section, click on SSH and GPG Keys
- In the SSH Keys section, click on New SSH Key
- In the Add SSH key form, give a title
- Paste the SSH public key in the Key field
- Click on **Add SSH Key
- Proceed with Git clone, fetch, push, pull actions on your PC