For a fresh install of a Mac to my likings
- download and install dropbox
- pause dropbox syncing (to allow faster downloads of other stuff)
- download 1password app
- download 1password agilekeychain and replace the un-synced one in my dropbox with it
- start 1password and choose the correct keychain
- 1password
- grammarly
- evernote
- sibelius
- scansnap
- scripts
- name mangler
- adobe acrobat
- MS Office
- marked
- omni suite
- scansnap software
- lightroom
- pixelmator
- jotta
- google disk
- box sync
- install -- remove spotlight hotkeys so I can use cmd-space for alfred
- install mplayerx
- Looking at the 'purchased' tab of the app store app makes this a pretty easy process for most of these
- omnifocus
- skype
- spotify
- transmit
- transmission
- gemini
- clean my mac
- the unarchiver
- evernote
- garmin basecamp
- name mangler
- marked
- daisydisk
- sublimetext
- sibelius 7
- scansnap software
- omni suite
- scantailor
- nvALT
- install xcode
- accept xcode license agreement
sudo xcodebuild -license
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
- install zsh
brew install zsh
- make zsh the default shell
chsh -s /bin/zsh
- install oh-my-zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- go here and do what it says
brew install git
- github signin ability
- set up the git credential-osxkeychain:
git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
- set up the git credential-osxkeychain:
- set up git username and email: