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Created June 25, 2014 14:06
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use strict;
use warnings;
my $exclude_list_path_static = "/etc/ovznodes_backup_rsync_exclude_list.static";
my $exclude_list_path_dynamic = "/etc/ovznodes_backup_rsync_exclude_list.dynamic";
my $config_file_path = '/etc/ovznodes_backup_config';
# должна объявляться в конфиге
our $backup_server_address;
# Запрещаем запуск нескольких копий скрипта
unless ( system("ps aux | grep $0 | grep -v grep | grep -v sudo | grep -v $$ | grep -v '/bin/sh -c' > /dev/null") ) {
print "Duplicate!\n";
exit 0; # another copy already running
# пробуем загрузить конфиг
my $config_loading_result = do $config_file_path;
unless ($config_loading_result) {
die "Can't load conifg file $config_file_path";
unless ($backup_server_address) {
die "Can't get backup server ip address from config\n";
# Получаем имя на удаленном бэкап-сервере из хостнейма
my $remote_system_username = `hostname -s`;
chomp $remote_system_username;
unless ($remote_system_username {
die "Can't get username for remote storage";
my $remote_backup_path = "/data/$remote_system_username/backup";
my $increment_backup_date = `date +"%d_%m_%Y_%H_%M_%S"`;
chomp $increment_backup_date;
unless ($increment_backup_date && $increment_backup_date =~ m/^\d+_\d+_\d+_\d+_\d+_\d+$/) {
die "Can't get incerement backup date";
my $increment_backup_dir = "/data/$remote_system_username/incremental/$increment_backup_date";
my $ethernet_bandwidth = "100";
my $main_network_interface = `/sbin/ip route show|grep default |awk '{print \$5}'`;
chomp $main_network_interface;
if ($main_network_interface eq 'eth0') {
# Получим скорость интерфейса
if (-e "/usr/sbin/ethtool") {
my @eth_details = `/usr/sbin/ethtool eth0`;
chomp @eth_details;
for my $line (@eth_details) {
if ($line =~ /Speed:\s+(\d+)/) {
$ethernet_bandwidth = $1;
} else {
if ($main_network_interface eq 'bond0') {
# это bond, джеймс бонд
$ethernet_bandwidth = "1000";
### Исключаем битые тушки
my @all_ct_folders = `find /vz/private/ -maxdepth 1`;
chomp @all_ct_folders;
my @exclude_removed_ct_paths = grep /^\/vz\/private\/\d+\.\d+$/, @all_ct_folders;
# файл, пусть пустой, создаем в любом случае
open my $exclude_file_temp, ">", $exclude_list_path_dynamic or die "Can't open file";
foreach my $exclude_ct_path (@exclude_removed_ct_paths) {
print {$exclude_file_temp} $exclude_ct_path . "\n";
close $exclude_file_temp;
my $bw_limit = '';
# Для 100 мегабитных нод включаем ограничение скорости передачи данных
if ($ethernet_bandwidth == 100) {
# --bwlimit=KBPS limit I/O bandwidth; KBytes per second
$bw_limit = "--bwlimit=8000";
} elsif ($ethernet_bandwidth == 1000) {
# Лимитируем скорость канала на уровне 640 мегабит
$bw_limit = "--bwlimit=80000";
} else {
# безлимитно
# На всякий случай!
unless ($backup_server_address && $exclude_list_path_static && $exclude_list_path_dynamic && $remote_system_username && $remote_backup_path) {
die "Params required\n";
my $command = qq#rsync -azvH --delete --log-file=/var/log/rsync.log --backup --backup-dir=$increment_backup_dir --exclude-from=$exclude_list_path_static --exclude-from=$exclude_list_path_dynamic --numeric-ids -e "ssh -v" --rsync-path="rsync $bw_limit --fake-super" / $remote_system_username\@$backup_server_address:$remote_backup_path#;
system $command;
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