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Created February 6, 2012 20:54
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package Dancer::Plugin::Database::KISS;
use strict;
use Carp;
use DBI;
use base qw(DBI::db);
our $VERSION = '0.01';
=head1 NAME
Dancer::Plugin::Database::KISS - subclassed DBI connection handle (like
Dancer::Plugin::Database::Handle but with different methods)
Subclassed DBI connection handle with added convenience features
# in your Dancer app:
=head1 Added features
A C<Dancer::Plugin::Database::KISS> object is a subclassed L<DBI::db> L<DBI>
database handle, with the following added convenience methods:
=over 4
=item sql
database->sql($sql, @parameters);
database->sql('SELECT * FROM users;');
database->sql('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?;', $user_id);
Just do a query with optional parameters. Returns $sth.
sub sql {
my ($self, $sql, @params) = @_;
# return $self->do($sql, undef, @bind_params);
my $sth = $self->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute(@params) or die $sth->errstr."\nSQL: $sql, PARAMS: @params";
return $sth;
=item row
database->row($sql, @parameters);
my $row = database->row('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?;', $user_id);
say $row->{id};
my ($id,$name) = database->row('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?;', $user_id);
say "User's $id name: $name";
Just do a [SELECT] query with optional parameters. Returns hashref or array of
the columns.
sub row # sql($sql,@params)
my ($self, $sql, @params) = @_;
my $sth = $self->sql($sql, @params);
return $sth->fetchrow_array if wantarray;
return $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
=item select
database->select($sql, @parameters);
my $users = database->select('SELECT * FROM users');
say $users->[0]->{id};
Do SELECT query with optional parameters. Returns array of hashref'es of the
columns. Returns empty array if nothing to return.
sub select
my ($self, $sql, @params) = @_;
my $sth = $self->sql($sql, @params);
return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}) || [];
=item cnt
database->cnt($sql, @parameters);
my $cnt = database->cnt('SELECT count(*) FROM users WHERE status=1');
say "Total $cnt user(s)";
Do assuming "SELECT count(*)" query with optional parameters. Returns first
element of the first row (usually - count(*)).
sub cnt
my ($self, $sql, @params) = @_;
my $sth = $self->sql($sql,@params);
my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
return $row->[0];
=item insert
database->insert($sql, @parameters);
my $id = database->insert(
'INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (?)', 'User Name'
say "Id of the inserted user: $id";
Do assuming INSERT query with optional parameters. Returns (if possible) id of
the inserted row.
sub insert
my ($self, $sql, @params) = @_;
my $sth = $self->sql($sql,@params);
return $self->last_insert_id(undef,undef,undef,undef);
# return $sth->{mysql_insertid}; # only for MySQL
=head1 AUTHOR
Nick Knutov C< <<[email protected] >> >
See L<Dancer::Plugin::Database/ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS>
=head1 SEE ALSO
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