#!/usr/bin/env python |
from __future__ import print_function |
from collections import namedtuple |
from itertools import tee |
from operator import itemgetter |
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE |
Commit = namedtuple('Commit', ['sha1', 'parents', 'author_email', 'refs', 'subject', 'timestamp', 'date_iso_8601']) |
GIT_LOG_FORMAT = '%x1E'.join(['%H', '%P', '%ae', '%d', '%s', '%at', '%ai']) |
seen_sha1s = set() |
def as_list(elements): |
items = [e for e in elements if e] |
return items or None |
def fix_parents(parents_string): |
return as_list(parents_string.split()) |
def fix_refs(refs_string): |
return as_list(refs_string.strip()[1:-1].split(', ')) |
def mk_commit(commit_line): |
commit = Commit(*commit_line.split('\x1E')) |
parents = fix_parents(commit.parents) |
refs = fix_refs(commit.refs) |
return commit._replace(parents=parents, refs=refs) |
def create_node(neo4j_op, sha1_ident, property_pairs): |
if property_pairs: |
properties = ','.join('{0}:{1!r}'.format(k, v) for k, v in property_pairs) |
return neo4j_op + ' (c_{0}:Commit {{{1}}})'.format(sha1_ident, properties) |
else: |
return neo4j_op + ' (c_{0}:Commit)'.format(sha1_ident) |
def create_rel(sha1, parent): |
return '(c_{0})<-[:PARENT]-(c_{1})'.format(sha1, parent) |
def mk_node_stmts(neo4j_op, sha1_ident, **properties): |
if sha1_ident not in seen_sha1s: |
seen_sha1s.add(sha1_ident) |
props = {k:v for k, v in properties.iteritems() if v is not None} |
yield create_node(neo4j_op, sha1_ident, sorted(props.items(), key=itemgetter(0))) |
def node_stmts(neo4j_op, commit_or_sha1): |
if (hasattr(commit_or_sha1, 'sha1')): |
sha1, properties = (commit_or_sha1.sha1, commit_or_sha1._asdict()) |
else: |
sha1, properties = (commit_or_sha1, {}) |
return mk_node_stmts(neo4j_op, sha1, **properties) |
def nodes(neo4j_op, cs): |
for c in cs: |
for s in node_stmts(neo4j_op, c): |
yield s |
def missing_parents(neo4j_op, parents): |
for parent in parents or []: |
for n in node_stmts(neo4j_op, parent): |
yield n |
def rel_stmts(neo4j_op, sha1, parents): |
for parent in parents or []: |
yield create_rel(sha1, parent) |
def join_rel_stmts(neo4j_op, cs): |
it = (s for c in cs for s in rel_stmts(neo4j_op, c.sha1, c.parents)) |
a, b = tee(it) |
next(b, None) |
for _ in b: |
yield next(a) + ',' |
yield next(a) |
def rels(neo4j_op, cs): |
for c in cs: |
for s in missing_parents(neo4j_op, c.parents): |
yield s |
yield neo4j_op |
for s in join_rel_stmts(neo4j_op, cs): |
yield ' ' + s |
def mk_cmd(limit, branch): |
git_log = ['git', 'log', '--format=format:{0}'.format(GIT_LOG_FORMAT)] |
if limit is not None: |
git_log.append('-n') |
git_log.append(str(limit)) |
if branch is not None: |
git_log.append(str(branch)) |
return git_log |
def commits(limit, branch): |
proc = Popen(mk_cmd(limit, branch), stdout=PIPE) |
for line in proc.stdout: |
yield line.strip() |
def main(neo4j_op, limit=None, branch=None): |
cs = map(mk_commit, commits(limit, branch)) |
statements = [] |
if cs: |
first_commit = cs[0].sha1 |
statements = list(nodes(neo4j_op, cs)) |
if len(cs) > 1: |
statements.extend(rels(neo4j_op, cs)) |
statements.append('RETURN c_' + first_commit + ';') |
return statements |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
import argparse |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
parser.add_argument('-n', '--limit', type=int, metavar='N', help='only N latest commits', default=None) |
parser.add_argument('--merge', dest='neo4j_op', const='MERGE', default='CREATE', action='store_const', help='use MERGE instead of CREATE') |
parser.add_argument('--json', action='store_true', help='print JSON output for the Cypher REST API.') |
parser.add_argument('branch', help='which branch to examine - defaults to HEAD', nargs='?', default=None) |
arguments = parser.parse_args() |
res = main(arguments.neo4j_op, arguments.limit, arguments.branch) |
if arguments.json: |
import json, sys |
json.dump({"query": ' '.join(res)}, sys.stdout) |
else: |
print('\n'.join(res)) |