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kobigurk / aptos-keyless-ceremony-may2024_attestation.log
Created May 2, 2024 11:10
Attestation for aptos-keyless-ceremony-may2024 MPC Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremony
Hey, I'm kobigurk-3520024 and I have contributed to the aptos-keyless-ceremony-may2024.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit # 1 (main_39f9c44b4342ed5e6941fae36cf6c87c52b1e17f)
Contributor # 21
Contribution Hash: 694c3350 dbdbe604 7913a6a4 a9ecfb28
bcff6a9d 3302837b 1c7e9038 d2633e2a
28104d06 50e2c3e9 e2553be3 dc371fa2
d10371dd 70578c4b 5950f96c ea61e390
kobigurk / risc-zero-stark-to-snark-prover_attestation.log
Created April 14, 2024 22:15
Attestation for RISC Zero STARK-to-SNARK Prover MPC Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremony
Hey, I'm kobigurk-3520024 and I have contributed to the RISC Zero STARK-to-SNARK Prover MPC Phase2 Trusted Setup ceremony.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit # 1 (stark_verify)
Contributor # 63
Contribution Hash: 7d3dee87 533d5e89 4a4c84e7 09417876
34d2df57 60f1b6f2 edd2fc27 d35c77aa
132ea52e f088f05e 855eba0e 1a35affd
a47e8005 365f5f10 d5c095ff b6eb7eab
kobigurk / nocturne-v1_attestation.log
Created October 30, 2023 15:42
Attestation for nocturne-v1 MPC Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremony
Hey, I'm kobigurk-3520024 and I have contributed to the nocturne-v1 MPC Phase2 Trusted Setup ceremony.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit # 1 (canonaddrsigcheck)
Contributor # 37
Contribution Hash: 564459e7 6c4f13cd 5c553295 805473bd
22b3cb74 33f23f7c bafac59b 3b1a49ca
f2e93375 ad80a9be 72ff87df 04590948
650b5c4f 2da4e4ba 01c669c6 fd997465


kobigurk / attestation.txt
Created April 5, 2022 11:28
I contributed to the Semaphore Trusted Setup Multi-Party Ceremony.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit: semaphore16
Contributor # 58
Hash: 3a1c5639 4c6126a8 e227dfdb 7a1caa78
4cb25a59 89a9eeef aa2169a4 3d6e3684
a1d436a2 f3cce9a4 49e7345d d7b29ee0
a71bb951 325aca08 c3f1bc04 bd6147b5
kobigurk / gist:838c5d2e38c8f6dcec37cca08e9a541b
Created November 8, 2021 15:39
Viewing your cultist NFT
Look at the transaction logs of your sacrificate transaction, for example
The data is the "token ID"
Paste the token ID in the imageURI function:
Follow the instructions on how to view it on
kobigurk / attestation.txt
Created March 26, 2021 05:27
ZKOPRU trusted setup attestation
I contributed to the ZKOPRU Trusted Setup Multi-Party Ceremony.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit: zk_transaction_1_2
Contributor # 4
Hash: aca31c0b 59bfa427 f826ef2b fc062b76
574a5a35 65d6db70 1c8d9e76 3988117d
1bc84643 39b545f4 85540266 49bfbb4d
30d41a1b 36cd0946 45c0b540 4ebd898f
kobigurk / attestation.txt
Created March 26, 2021 05:27
zkparty phase2 tusted setup MPC contribution summary
"ceremony": "zk_transaction_4_4",
"ceremonyId": "xN7193Ldf8i0L2SfG8X4",
"time": "2021-03-26T05:27:36.616Z",
"contributionNumber": 4,
"hash": "b1a6fc73 ee2b163b 61b2414e 8b203f57\n 7a5b5de9 5a720eff 74ae87c1 47631ba0\n a4b112f9 c5a7bc96 7069168b b7156e81\n 3ee41b06 86975aea 4359cb4c 6f40be79\n"
kobigurk / attestation.txt
Created March 26, 2021 05:24
zkparty phase2 tusted setup MPC contribution summary
"ceremony": "zk_transaction_4_3",
"ceremonyId": "8i9TsuUmSnqh5cLIQoFd",
"time": "2021-03-26T05:24:36.608Z",
"contributionNumber": 4,
"hash": "f3eb6877 4d512fff 6a74326f d7e590a4\n 109cdd7c 9c92061c c9589935 e6d87ea9\n c18b5bfd f58689cd 8f7c31c1 1ff578c1\n 1f6175f5 a132ab94 f32ae3b9 1405fd29\n"
kobigurk / attestation.txt
Created March 26, 2021 05:21
zkparty phase2 tusted setup MPC contribution summary
"ceremony": "zk_transaction_4_2",
"ceremonyId": "NgqtzZuK1la2dU1LiFCN",
"time": "2021-03-26T05:21:40.719Z",
"contributionNumber": 4,
"hash": "12103e39 bbe070b3 388f9831 e6e9f4c6\n 526108b3 084f6e21 bf1e20b8 bd56eb6b\n db450d1d 121aab1a b9001afc 3ed0336c\n d628ceb6 054bb546 9dd37605 1f47ae3b\n"