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Last active January 23, 2019 14:31
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ibmcloud CLI examples
➜ ~ ibmcloud sl vs help
ibmcloud sl vs - Gen1 infrastructure Virtual Servers
ibmcloud sl vs command [arguments...] [command options]
cancel Cancel virtual server instance
capture Capture virtual server instance into an image
create Create virtual server instance
credentials List virtual server instance credentials
detail Get details for a virtual server instance
dns-sync Synchronize DNS records for a virtual server instance
edit Edit a virtual server instance's details
host-create Create a host for dedicated virtual servers
host-list List dedicated hosts on your account
list List virtual server instances on your account
options List options for creating virtual server instance
pause Pause an active virtual server instance
power-off Power off an active virtual server instance
power-on Power on a virtual server instance
ready Check if a virtual server instance is ready for use
reboot Reboot an active virtual server instance
reload Reload operating system on a virtual server instance
rescue Reboot a virtual server instance into a rescue image
resume Resume a paused virtual server instance
upgrade Upgrade a virtual server instance
help, h Show help
Enter 'ibmcloud sl vs help [command]' for more information about a command.
# Flavor value obtained from UI. --datacenter selection is mandatory and not all flavors
# are available in all datacenters.
➜ ~ ibmcloud sl vs create --datacenter dal12 --hostname v100test --domain --flavor AC2_8X60X25 --os UBUNTU_LATEST --san --wait 3600
This action will incur charges on your account. Continue?> y
name value
ID 69560389
created 2019-01-23T13:50:15Z
guid 534ca404-fb0d-4962-818b-80419accf742
ready true
➜ ~ ibmcloud sl vs detail 69560389
Name Value
ID 69560389
guid 534ca404-fb0d-4962-818b-80419accf742
hostname v100test
status Active
state Running
datacenter dal12
os Ubuntu
os version 18.04-64 Minimal for VSI
cpu cores 8
memory 61440
public ip
private ip
private network false
private cpu false
created 2019-01-23T13:50:15Z
updated 2019-01-23T13:55:54Z
owner IBM1453119
vlans type number id
PRIVATE 892 2531861
PUBLIC 842 2531859
➜ ~ ibmcloud sl vs credentials 69560389
username password
root ********
➜ ~ ssh [email protected]
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:t4fWRdCk1H1WB+YAFIu4zIjEJZyxBh0pvUR08ib3ZuU.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
[email protected]'s password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-30-generic x86_64)
root@v100test:~# lspci | grep NVIDIA
00:07.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GV100 [Tesla V100 PCIe] (rev a1)
root@v100test:~# exit
Connection to closed.
➜ ~ ibmcloud sl vs cancel 69560389
This will cancel the virtual server instance: 69560389 and cannot be undone. Continue?> y
Virtual server instance: 69560389 was cancelled.
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