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Created June 8, 2020 02:02
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var ustVariants = map[string]map[string]string{
"Amateur Auteur": map[string]string{
"ravnica": "3a",
"innistrad": "3b",
"theros": "3c",
"zendikar": "3d",
"version 1": "3a",
"ravnica silver": "3a",
"innistrad blue": "3b",
"theros red": "3c",
"zendikar green": "3d",
"Beast in Show": map[string]string{
"tyrranax": "103a",
"gnarlid": "103b",
"baloth": "103c",
"thragtusk": "103d",
"version 1": "103a",
"Everythingamajig": map[string]string{
"move": "147a",
"draw": "147b",
"flip": "147c",
"add": "147d",
"sacrifice": "147e",
"scry": "147f",
"version 1": "147a",
"move a counter..": "147a",
"draw a card..": "147b",
"flip a coin..": "147c",
"add one mana..": "147d",
"sacrifice a land..": "147e",
"scry 2..": "147f",
"proliferate": "147a",
"draw a card": "147b",
"flip a coin": "147c",
"add one mana": "147d",
"sacrifice a land": "147e",
"scry 2": "147f",
"Extremely Slow Zombie": map[string]string{
"summer": "54a",
"fall": "54b",
"winter": "54c",
"spring": "54d",
"version 1": "54a",
"autumn": "54b",
"Garbage Elemental": map[string]string{
"2/4": "82a",
"3/1": "82b",
"3/2": "82c",
"3/3": "82d",
"4/3": "82e",
"6/5": "82f",
"version 1": "82a",
"a 2/4": "82a",
"b 3/1": "82b",
"c 3/2": "82c",
"d 3/3": "82d",
"e 4/3": "82e",
"f 6/5": "82f",
"frenzy": "82a",
"assembles a contraption": "82b",
"battle cry": "82c",
"cascade": "82d",
"unleash": "82e",
"last strike": "82f",
"Ineffable Blessing": map[string]string{
"choose flavor": "113a",
"choose artist": "113b",
"choose border": "113c",
"choose rarity": "113d",
"choose odd or even": "113e",
"choose a number": "113f",
"version 1": "113a",
"flavor text": "113a",
"artist": "113b",
"border": "113c",
"rarity": "113d",
"collector number": "113e",
"name": "113f",
"flavorful/bland": "113a",
"choose an artist": "113b",
"white-bordered/silver-bordered": "113c",
"choose a rarity": "113d",
"odd/even": "113e",
"Knight of the Kitchen Sink": map[string]string{
"black borders": "12a",
"even collector numbers": "12b",
"loose lips": "12c",
"odd collector numbers": "12d",
"two-word names": "12e",
"watermarks": "12f",
"version 1": "12a",
"protection from black borders": "12a",
"protection from even collector's numbers": "12b",
"protection from loose lips": "12c",
"protection from odd collector's numbers": "12d",
"protection from two-word names": "12e",
"protection from watermarks": "12f",
"Novellamental": map[string]string{
"''my grandmother…''": "41a",
"''this pendant…''": "41b",
"''the chain…''": "41c",
"''my heart…''": "41d",
"version 1": "41a",
"sold": "41a",
"pendant": "41b",
"chain": "41c",
"heart": "41d",
"Secret Base": map[string]string{
"order of the widget": "165a",
"agents of s.n.e.a.k.": "165b",
"league of dastardly doom": "165c",
"goblin explosioneers": "165d",
"crossbreed labs": "165e",
"version 2": "165b",
"s.n.e.a.k.": "165b",
"john thacker art": "165a",
"matt gaser art": "165b",
"seb mckinnon art": "165c",
"dave allsop art": "165d",
"simon dominic art": "165e",
"Sly Spy": map[string]string{
"reveal hand": "67a",
"destroy creature facing left": "67b",
"lose a finger": "67c",
"destroy creature facing right": "67d",
"reveal top of library": "67e",
"roll six-sided die": "67f",
"version 1": "67a",
"reveals hand": "67a",
"destroy target creature facing left": "67b",
"loses a finger": "67c",
"destroy target creature facing right": "67d",
"library": "67e",
"player loses life": "67f",
"reveals his or her hand": "67a",
"reveals the top card of his or her library": "67e",
"roll a six-sided die": "67f",
"Target Minotaur": map[string]string{
"ice": "98a",
"rain": "98b",
"fire": "98c",
"roots": "98d",
"version 1": "98a",
"winter": "98a",
"fall": "98b",
"summer": "98c",
"spring": "98d",
"Very Cryptic Command": map[string]string{
"switch": "49a",
"untap": "49b",
"draw": "49c",
"return": "49d",
"counter": "49e",
"scry": "49f",
"version 2": "49b",
"monochrome alternate art": "49a",
"return target / untap two": "49b",
"return target/untap two": "49b",
"gnome": "49c",
"turn over": "49d",
"roll two": "49e",
"return all artifacts": "49f",
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