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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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# Notify by Boxcar
usage() {
echo -e "\nUsage: $0 -a AccessToken -t MessageTitle -d MessageDetails -s SoundID"
echo -e "Example: -$0 -a LuckJewacat6 -t \"Some message\" -d \"Message details\" -s 21\n"
exit 1;
while getopts "a:t:d:s:" optionName; do
case "$optionName" in
a) token="$OPTARG" ;;
t) title="$OPTARG" ;;
d) details="$OPTARG" ;;
s) soundid="$OPTARG" ;;
\?) exit 2;;
if [ -z "$token" ]; then echo -e "\nMissing AuthToken. See you Boxcar App Settings!"; usage;fi
if [ -z "$title" ]; then echo -e "\nMissing Title. Provide some text to display in push message!"; usage;fi
if [ -z "$details" ]; then echo -e "\nMissing MessageDetails. This is displayed in detail view of Boxcar App"; usage;fi
if [ -z "$soundid" ]; then echo -e "\nMissing SoundID. This is integer number. Test yourself!"; usage;fi
curl -d user_credentials=$token \
-d "notification[title]=Nagios: $title" \
-d "notification[message]=$title" \
-d "notification[long_message]=$details" \
-d "notification[sound]=$soundid" \
echo -e
exit 0
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