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Created June 3, 2010 20:16
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Tile: class {
id: Int
init: func (=id)
println: func (x, y: Int) {
"%d, %d: %d" format(x, y, id) println()
Map: class {
width, height: Int
array: Tile*
init: func (=width, =height) {
array = gc_malloc(width * height) as Tile*
setTileAtPos: func (x, y:Int, tile: Tile) {
array[x * width + y] = tile
getTileAtPos: func (x, y:Int) -> Tile {
if (checkPos(x, y))
return array[x * width + y]
return null
checkPos: func (x, y:Int) -> Bool {
if (x > -1 && x < width && y > -1 && y < height)
return true
return false
main: func {
width := 8; height := 8
map := Map new(width, height)
for (x in 0..width) {
for (y in 0..height) {
map setTileAtPos(x, y, Tile new(x * width + y))
for (x in 0..width) {
for (y in 0..height) {
tile := map getTileAtPos(x, y)
tile println(x, y)
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